Chapter 59- Best Friends, Never Lovers

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"Remind me, again, why I ever agreed to play quidditch with you," Draco called from other side of the pitch as he flew to the Gryffindor.

"Because we're friends," Harry responded from the tree he was hanging from. The boy thought it was a good idea to play a seekers game in the middle of the night once Draco was healed, and somehow, Draco agreed through days of convincing. It had been 2 weeks since they were friends, 2 weeks.

While looking for the illuminated snitch, Harry "mistook" a firefly for the object instead, and headed for the trees outside of the arena. He was now hanging from a tree, his broom stick laying on the dead branches beneath him. "Could you go any faster!"

"You're lucky I'm even helping you!"

"Oh please, like you'd let me fall!"

"Actually yes I would, in fact," Draco rolled his eyes and stopped right before the oak, just at eye level with Harry who was dangling over a 40 foot drop.

"You're kidding me, right," Harry struggled, his palms bing stabbed by bark, "I can't feel my hands!"

"You know it would be a shame if someone just," Draco trailed off playfully, sticking his fingers right next to Harry's stomach, inevitably causing the boy's eyes to widen.

"You wouldn't dare tickle me right now!"

"You underestimate me, Potter. Entirely too trusting, you are... Gryffindors..."

"Draco, seriously! This hurts really bad!" His arms were starting to tingle. Harry, regretting his decision, just wanted to be saved by Draco and ride off into the night with him, just like their first date.

"Hmm, what a shame," Draco picked at his nails, sarcastically uninterested.

"What happened to friends helping friends, friends having each other's backs?"

"Well, I mean, I never signed a contract. I didn't know there were requirements-"

"MALFOY! I can't hold on any longer!"

"You know, you have a bug on your face," Draco said without a care in the world, lounging on his broom like it was a couch

"A bug," Harry breathed, frustrated and his body on fire, "you're barking!"

"Actually no, it's just a beetle-" was all Draco could get in until Harry screamed as the fell from the branch made of what felt like nails.

Draco reacted lately, but just before Harry touched the ground, he grabbed him.

"I thought you could hold on longer!"

"At what point did you believe that! When I was begging you to come get me or when I told you I couldn't hold on anyone more," Harry shouted in his ear as they took off. His arms hurt immensely as he wrapped them around the blondes waist and immediately felt at home.

"I mean, you'd think you'd kill a murderous lunatic after years and years of anguish and be strong enough to hold onto a tree for 2 minutes!"

"Why don't you try it?"

"Nah, I already know I'd win."

Harry laughed. "Damn Slytherins so full of themselves." This caused Draco to smile. "Stop smiling like some bonker! You look like a crazy person who deserves to be in a mental hospital!"

Draco's smile faltered as if he went into a trance. "What's wrong," Harry asked.

"It's just, I've never really smiled before. Like truly."

Bullshit, Harry thought. He had proof, photographic evidence, that Draco smiled, and damn well, too.

"We'll just have to fix that then," Harry said, sort of disappointed, but hopeful in that Draco didn't hate him anymore.

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