Chapter 18

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The laughter cursing through me burns my insides and takes over every emotion l had over an hour ago. The lesson is nearly over yet I wish I could stay here forever. With Sophia by my side and a classroom full of cackling college students. My eyes shift from person to person as Tom tells the funniest story about Donna whilst the teacher was out of the classroom.

Glancing at Sophia, I see her rolling her eyes with her arms folded over her chest, her long dress almost touching the floor. I nudge her, jolting her from her thoughts.

"What?" She shouts over the screaming of pupils.

"English is almost over, let's get out of here!"

After considering it for a few seconds, Sophia nods her head and we collect our things and somehow make it out of the classroom. A huge sigh leaves Sophia's lips as soon as we leave the building, her lengthy dress swaying in the wind.

"You hated that, didn't you?" I ask her, nudging her with my shoulder.

"How did you find that funny? It was the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my entire life!"

"That's what makes it funny!" I squeal, skipping towards the school gates.

Silence descends between us before Sophia speaks again.

"Hey, are you sure you want a party?"

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about a party. It would be nice to hang out with my new friends but my birthday is usually spent having dinner with my mum. My mum... She said that it was a mistake to try and fix things between us and all I wanted her to do was fight for me. She couldn't even do that.

"No, of course I want a party! I haven't had one long time so it'll be fun."

Sophia's smile spreads wider across her face, her arms interlocking with mine.

"Good. Maybe this time I won't have to look after two drunk people." A small chuckle leaves her mouth.

"No, I'm not going to get drunk. Not again."

"Well you better not, cause I'll make you walk all the way home by yourself next time."

After separating ways, my mind wanders to the turn of events my life has become, after kissing Ferris and getting drunk for the first time, I just know that nothing good can come out of this upcoming party. Ferris might be there and I probably won't be able to resist the pleasant taste of the poison on my tongue. Visions of that drunken night crowd my brain, all the broken memories floating around endlessly.


By the time I reached the house, my eyes had flooded out all the held-in tears I've had since the horrifying visit from my mum. Today has definitely been the worst day I have ever encountered. As soon as I thought that I couldn't encounter any more drama, I got hit by a bombshell that deepened the dent inside of me.

The couple of minutes I had with mum made me question the tiny speck of love I thought that she had for me, that I thought she had left to give me. Today was a reality check for me. I know that no one will ever love me like I want them to and no one will ever be around long enough; everyone will leave, it won't be long till dad leaves and me and Louis will be alone. The truth is, I can't blame anyone but myself. I'm the one who pushed everyone away and caused everyone to gradually leave me, so what less did I expect?

As I opened the front door, all the memories from last night came flooding back to me, the fight with my dad and how he just walked off. And now I'm dreading a sober dad who is definitely going to have a bone to pick with me. Hoping to avoid him, I ran up the wooden stairs and into my room.

Hit with shock, my feet suddenly stop in their tracks, my breath taken aback at the sight in front of me. Dad. My eyes wander to what he is holding, my sketch pad, his finger tracing the outline of mum's face. His back is facing me, so I knock on the door to get his attention.

"This is a nice drawing." I hear him say, no hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Thanks..." I reply, cautious about what to say or do.

"I didn't realize that you were so good." He glumly replies, glancing up to look at me before quickly looking back down.

"Well, you never let me show you and I never really got to explore how good I was so..." The blood pumping through my veins as I hovor at the doorway is giving me all this bravery, all this excitement.

"Kaylee, don't talk to me like that." He sternly says, putting the book back on the desk and taking a step towards me.

'What is your play here, dad? Are you trying to scare me into listening to you?'

A deep sigh leaves his lips as he sits on the bed. I watch as he hesitates before tapping the space next to him.

"I'm fine here," I coldly reply.

"I'm sorry for trying to control your life, Kaylee."

"Can I go to a party then?" I ask, hoping that he means his previous words.

A flash of emotion strikes my father's broken face, disappearing just as quickly as it appeared.

"A party?"

"Yes dad, a party."

"You went to one last night, didn't you?"

"Well, this one's for my birthday in a couple of weeks."

"Oh." I hear him say, his breathing was escalating.

I know that he doesn't want me to go, that he knows I might get drunk again. But I'm still going to push him, still going to knock him till breaking point. When will he break?

"Dad, please get out of my room."

He quickly gets up and walks past me, stopping just behind me and opening his mouth.

"I'm sorry for pushing your mum away."

I can't bring myself to look at him, I won't be able to endure the pain of his broken soul.

"I'm glad you did." I say before walking into my room and closing the door behind me.

A/N: I don't really know what this is.

It's probably the worst thing I've ever written and I really regret it.


-H 🤍

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