Chapter 25

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It's the night of my party and I'm crapping myself. I have no idea what's in store, and most importantly, I don't know what to wear. The choices I have is a black spaghetti strap dress that just about reaches my mid-thighs or my normal hoodie with a skirt.

Going with the dress, I quickly splash on a little makeup and grab my phone off of my bed. My phone buzzes as soon as I turn it on, Christina's name flashing onto my screen. I quickly opened the message.

GET READY FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE!!! Hurry up and get over here!

I quickly shoot back a reply.

On my way, I can't wait!

When I'm out of the door, the wind picks up and throws my hair onto my face, ruining the perfectly brushed hairstyle I had spent ages on. I struggle to shift the tangles out of my eyes as I cross the driveway, stumbling over my own feet in the process. I stagger back to my feet and carry on walking down the street, hugging my body for warmth.


As I stand outside of Christina's house, I see the lights from the window and the deafening music could be heard from the bottom of the street.

Nervousness builds up as I approach the house, scared for what's in store.
As I reach the inside of the house, Sophia's face is the first I see as she quickly approaches me.

'Finally, you're here,' She shouts as she drags me through the huge house.

'Christina's officially lost it.'

'Why?' I ask as we finally stop in a room full of random people who are drunk over their heads.

'Ferris showed up and Christina's severely drunk so she's all over him.'


'What?!' I shout, praying that Ferris isn't using her again.

'Please, just help me get her away from him.' Sophia's desperate to fix the situation so I rapidly follow Sophia through the crowded rooms where Christina and Ferris are. And boy, am I glad that they aren't hooking up. However, Christina seems to be trying really hard to get Ferris to kiss her as Ferris keeps dodging everything she throws at him. I can see the discomfort radiating off of him as he forcefully smiles at Christina. Sophia shoots forward before Christina can attach herself to Ferris once again. Christina lurches back as Sophia grips her arm, pulling her towards Christina's room.

I awkwardly stand in the centre of the room, watching as Ferris stares at me, his eyes wide. This is what he wants. The only reason he came to my party was to suck me back into the games that I don't want to play. I don't want to continuously hurt myself by trying to be with him and waste my time by chasing after him. He's the one that didn't show up to college for a whole week just to avoid one person: me. If he wants to drown then he can, but he sure as hell isn't dragging me down with him.

I quickly back away as Ferris takes a step towards me. Knowing that he won't follow me in, I rush to the room that Christina and Sophia are in, slamming and locking the door behind me. After a few seconds, and no one comes in, I turn around to be faced by a red and angry Sophia and a drunken Christina.

'But I wanted to.' Christina slurs as she flops onto her bed and crawls under the duvet.

'Christina, why'd you try and kiss him?' I softly ask.

'Because she wanted to.' Sophia sighs as she sits on the food of the bed.

'Kaylee, I'm gonna stay with her while she sleeps. It's your party so go out and enjoy yourself.' Sophia gives me a weak smile as she stands up and gives me a huge hug.

'Happy birthday.' She whispers before she lets go.

I muster a small smile before I walk back out of the room.

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