Not going down without a fight

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"Great," I muttered under my breath before extending my wings and soaring up into the air. I soared higher and higher, as fast as I could as I could feel their colossal hands flailing through the air in attempts to grab me.

I pulled out two knives from my waistband, hurling both at the giants and aiming directly at their faces. They swatted the knives away easily as if it was a fly. I knew it wasn't going to work but I needed to bide time.

I considered going back down and changing into my werewolf form briefly but seeing how fast they were moving, I decided I was safer in the air and out of reach.

I outstretched my fingers, tapping into my power as I felt the magic rush through me. My fingertips started to light up as the fire started to form a large flame in each of my hands. I lowered myself, getting closer as I built up my energy in preparation for the attack. Seeing me approach, the giants came closer.

"Come closer little girl, we don't bite," one of the giants said, grinning.

"But I do," I spat, releasing all the fire in both of my hands at both of the giants. To my surprise, they ran. Their elongated limbs allowed them to get away quickly, the fire only nipping their arms and their sides before they quickly started patting their bodies in an attempt to put it out before it grew.

I mumbled under my breath, speaking my invisibility spell to life as I drew nearer to them as they were distracted by the fire. The fire was almost out and it seemed that I would have to get closer if I wanted to land an attack that would actually impact them.

"Brother, wher'd she go?" The smaller one asked, turning around in confusion. Both giants were massively tall but one towered the other by about 4 feet which was the only way I could tell them apart since they looked exactly alike.

"I told you to keep an eye on her, didn't I?" The larger giant snarled, putting out the last of the fire out of his tattered clothes.

I waited till I was merely 5 feet away from them, floating behind them as quietly as possible as I held my breath. It was time to test Oreres's theory and see if my dark magic really didn't have limits. I whistled, causing both giants to turn around as their eyes traveled the room wildly, trying to find me. I released every bit of dark magic I had within me, not holding back at all as I felt the magic flow out of my arms, legs, and all my limbs at once and travel straight towards them.

"Run," the older brother ordered to the younger one who was staring in shock and blocking his path. Frozen in silence, he shoved him out of the way before taking off as fast as he could away from the dark magic. But it was pointless, the dark magic already had a headstart and was getting closer and closer to them both.

I steadied my body as massive amounts of magic flowed out of me, consuming the smaller giant who hadn't run quick enough. He screamed once it touched him, consuming his body from top to bottom. More dark magic followed the bigger one who was still running. Foolishly, he turned his head at the sound of his brother screaming and that was it for him. Once he got distracted, the dark magic latched on consuming him.

I could see both of them fighting, their body parts becoming visible for brief seconds as the dark magic cleared from their body. Determined, I focused the dark magic, releasing more and more which made its way over to both giants and covering their bodies in blackness. Despite the incredible amounts of dark magic consuming their bodies, they were still seemingly indestructible.

Starting to lose hope and reaching the end of my dark magic, I tried to think of another plan. I thought the dark magic would kill them. Was I wrong?

"Kill them!" Narxus's voice called out from a location I couldn't place. Releasing the magic was already taking all of my focus I couldn't get distracted and look for him.

"What do you think I'm doing?!" I screamed, not budging from my location.

"They're weak, attack now!"

Attack? I thought the dark magic was supposed to kill them?

I approached the giants slowly, wincing as their thunderous voices got louder as I approached. Maybe the dark magic was meant to weaken them and I had to kill them the old fashioned way? I got close to the younger one, pulling out my largest knife from my waist band and plunging it into his heart. Suddenly, all movemets ceased and the dark magic cleared. I clutched my waistband, preparing for the worst until I finally saw him. His face had turned grey, signifying he was dead. It worked. I killed him.

"I did it!" I screamed, looking around to find Narxus.

"You're not done!" He yelled.

I tensed up, realizing the bigger one was still alive. I looked over to see the dark magic clearing from his body as he began to win the fight.

"No!" I screamed, waving my hand as I heard a crunch as I pulled his leg out of it's socket. He screamed as I flitted towards him quickly and poured the last bit of the dark magic into him as I tapped into my vampire side. Once my claws emerged, I reached into it's chest and squeezed his heart until it burst. The giant stopped fighting and once the blackness cleared, it revealed a grey giant with his eyes wide open, murder evident in his gaze.

I looked down at my hands, exhilarated from my victory. It was short lived as my disgust quickly crept in as the orangish black looking blood seeped from my fingers.

I turned around at the sound of slow clapping as Narxus approached.

"Well done. Took longer than I expected."

"Maybe if you told me how to kill him, I wouldn't have wasted all my energy."

"You used all your dark magic didn't you?"


"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine-" I said, gasping as I felt the dark magic coursing within me. I thought I had used it all up but there it was.

"It's all still there, the dark magic," I said, looking up at him in amazement to see a knowing look on his face.

"Now, you're ready."

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