It's almost time

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TW: mentions of self harm/suicide

I woke up with a jolt, the voices of the dark magic in my head getting louder and louder. I swiveled around, noticing Esat, Bonnie, and Star fast asleep.

Oreres, they're coming for us

After I relayed the message to Oreres, I ran over and started shaking everyone awake. In my training, Narxus had taught me that I could mind link with anyone and didn't need to be asleep. My instincts were sharper than before, my powers heightened. That's how I knew the Vexon were approaching and we had run out of time.

"What? What's going on?!" Esat said, jumping out of bed distressed after noticing the urgency in my gaze and stoic expression.

"They're coming. Wake them up," I said, nodding to Bonnie and Star.

I closed my eyes, focusing before sending a message to Zion.

Zion, they're getting closer to us.

Suddenly I heard an alarm start to blare, it sounded like a fire alarm radiating throughout not just our room but the entire Academy. Oreres's voice quickly followed.

"Students, wake up and grab as many weapons as you can carry and make your way to the Freat Room. The giants are here."

The Freat? The Freat was the main arena located near the rooms used for skill assessments. Why would she want us there of all places?

"The Freat?" Star asked, hurriedly pulling on her clothes.

"That's weird," Bonnie said, lacing up her boots. Her shiny, new boots that she said she wouldn't wear until the war. I gulped, swallowing a bit of bile that rose up my throat as I realized how real this was.

"We'll be faster if I take us," I said, extending my wing for them to climb up. My new unlimited abyss of magic had not only provided me a never ending fountain of dark magic to use, it had strengthened my powers. I was stronger and faster. Carrying people didn't tire me out as much as it did before.

All three of them hopped on my back, settling themselves atop my wings before I opened the door. I flitted out speedily, flying through he Academy quickly as I reached the Freat within seconds. There were crowds and crowds of students running flying, jumping, floating into the room and filling it quickly. We walked in, making our way towards Oreres.

"Why are we meeting here?" I asked, cutting to the chase.

"You'll see soon enough. Now, I need you to come with me," she said, grabbing my wrist as she pulled me out of the room.

"How close are they?" she asked as she walked quickly ahead.

"I'm not sure, I just know they're coming."

"Saron, how many times have I told you not to underestimate yourself. Use your dark magic to find out how much time we have."

I opened my mouth to protest, closing it quickly once I saw the fear in her eyes. Oreres was many things, but I'd never seen her truly afraid. Seeing that was enough to close my eyes and reach out to the dark magic. I concentrated, opening up my mind to the dark magic so they could see all my questions.

"3 hours, 4 if we're lucky." I replied, the answer becoming clear in my mind immediately.

"I thought so. Take us to the Center."

I obliged, grabbing her and flitting us there in seconds.

"Why are we here?" I asked, confused as she searched quickly through her desk before pulling out salt.

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