The Real Battle

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The giants around us charged towards us, ready to attack. I looked at him and we shared an understanding glance as we both flitted through the giants, dodging their hands. Now that I knew who the real enemy was, I wasn't going to waste a minute.

"I'll get the others," Zion offered.

"No, they'll be killed. Only I can fight her," I rejected.

"Saron, if you try to attack Meda all of the other members of the Delegation will come to her rescue. You need help."

I stayed quiet for a few moments before nodding reluctantly. I could take Meda alone but as I've realized, she doesn't fight fair. I'd expect nothing less than for her to have an army by her side.

I transformed into my wolf form, enabling me to easily jump over the dead bodies, toppled trees, etc. I dodged everything in my path heading straight towards camp. I could see her in my mental map, in the middle of camp. I could sense she was weak. If I was lucky, her body would be abandoned and I could pluck her lying, deceiving heart from her chest. But I could sense she wasn't alone. The anger I felt was indescribable. All my guilt, heartbreak, sadness, and despair had been fused into one impenetrable emotion of anger for the Delegation, especially Meda. As the castor of the spell, she was my priority but I'd kill anyone else who got in my path. The sooner I killed her, the sooner the giants would stop attacking and the sooner this bloodshed would end.

As I neared the camp, I transformed back into my form. I could sense giants advancing on me. I waved up a hand, causing them to fly backwards and out of my path. Now that I knew they weren't to blame, I wasn't going to kill any one of them.

I could feel my anger reach my fingertips, each finger igniting in flames.

I could see her, surrounded by three others. She was laid out, weak. She was probably still recovering from her attack on the Giants.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be out slaughtering giants?" one of the Angels by her side asked, frowning at me.

"I should," I replied coolly before waving my hand and snapping the Angel's neck with one solid motion. The others screamed, rushing over to the Angel's side.

Meda's eyes widened in fear as she forced herself to sit up.

"What are you doing?"

"I know what you've done. You wanted to get me alone and kill me, didn't you? Here's your chance," I challenged, curling my lip at her.

A vampire flitted towards me quickly and I released a surge of dark magic at him with the intention of killing him. The second it touched him, he collapsed to the ground dead.

"Anyone else?" I called out, looking at the supernatural creatures who were quickly surrounding Meda to come to her defense. The reluctant gazes on all of their faces elucidated how afraid they really were. They were right to be afraid.

An arrow shot past me, landing in the heart of a dragon. He dropped dead. I swirled around, seeing Bonnie with a bow and arrow in her hand nodding at me. Bonnie, Star, Tom, Joel, and Zion stood behind me in support.

"Is this a joke?" Meda asked, cackling in amusement.

The other laughed along.

I raised my hand, strangling each one of them and their laughing subsided immediately replaced by coughs and chokes.

Meda chanted under her breath and I felt my leg snap as the bone was broken. I yelled out in pain, breaking my concentration for a second. That second was enough for them to recover and come charging towards us.

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