Chapter Twenty Six

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Seung Jun's POV

I still couldn't believe that this is happening to hyung Jin Woo right now. And most especially, what had happened to Oh Seong halmoni. The second family that I treated like my own. This day was supposed to be a happy one. A day full of love and life celebration, but it came out to be a big tragedy to us, especially to the Yoo family.

The moment I received the call from his Secretary, I immediately went to the hospital where he was taken. Right after I arrived at the hospital's lobby, I saw his driver and a few securities from their company. His driver ran towards me and told me that we have to wait for a few more minutes since hyung Jin Woo was still in PACU, where patients stay for close monitoring of vitals after having surgery.

Dang! I had to rub my hands over my face. So hyung had surgery? I'm thankful that he survived, and I really hope he's going to recover in no time.

After a few moments of waiting, one of the nurses came to us, telling us that either two or one of us can now see him as he was already transferred to the ICU. Shortly after we were informed, his driver handed me hyung's lightly cracked phone that was turned over by the police officers from the accident scene. I gladly take it and secured it inside my pocket.

Nervous and worried, I go in first, while hyung's employees waited in the hallway near the ICU room. I pushed the door and came face to face with hyung who's lying weakly on the bed. He was still not awake. He looks physically hurt seriously. Various medical tubes were attached to his arms, chest, and a breathing mask was on his face. I roam my eyes all around him. Aside from several scratches on his arms, face, and other parts of his body, it was evident that one of his legs has got injured the most. His right leg was completely wrapped with a thick bandage, and it was slightly elevated.

Suddenly, a doctor came beside me and informed me about his case. She said that at the scene, the emergency rescue team had found him having an open tibia fracture. His right leg got stuck in between the hard compartment and pedals due to the collision's impact on his car and the SUV van.

It was the bone below a human's knee and above the ankle. When he arrived in the emergency room, the doctors immediately decided that he needed to undergo a serious leg surgery.

...I stood beside his bed where he was lying. His doctor was still there, and just about a few seconds after the doctor finished telling me his current state, we saw him slowly opening his eyes and finally regained consciousness. I could see he was still disoriented. He growled deeply, blinking his eyes for how many times. I immediately leaned closer to him, reaching for his arm and gently rub it.

"Hyung..." I breathed worriedly. Slowly, he turned his head to my view and briefly closed his eyes again. "Hyung, thank God that you're alive. You made us so worried, you know that?"

He released a weak sigh and opened his eyes again, that were speaking a lot of pain. Dang, it! I was sure he doesn't know yet about his grandmother's death. How should I be able to tell him about it? I suppressed a hard gulp on my throat when I noticed he removes the oxygen mask on his face, only to say something to me. Worried that he might be having a hard time breathing, I shortly glanced to the doctor, but she said that it's fine... I looked back at hyung, ready to hear what he was about to say, but there was no single sound that came out from his mouth. He was quite struggling, so what did I do was read his words through his lips.

"Ch-chae... chae..."

Even before he could finish stating that name, I already knew who he was looking for. His wife. He was looking for Officer Ha.

Dang it! As far as I know, Officer Ha already knew about what happened, but she collapsed earlier and was brought inside the hotel room. Until now, I know she hasn't yet woken up because I didn't see her yet here in the hospital.

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