Chapter Thirty

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Chae Yoon's POV

"Are you okay, Officer Ha?"

I snapped out of my deep thoughts right after I heard the voice of Officer Lee. I'm in the office, currently on duty. I was sitting on my swivel chair while zoning out, looking at my computer monitor for God knows for how many minutes now.

Officer Lee took a seat on one of the chairs in front of my table and handed me a cup of coffee she got from the vending machine. I gave her a smile and tried composing myself. Then, I gladly took the coffee from her hand.

"Yeah, I'm okay... Thanks for the coffee." I said, sitting up straight from my chair.

"Are you sure? Is there something bothering you? Want to talk about it? You know I can always listen." She says with concern.

I bit my bottom lip. "No... I'm... I'm okay. It's nothing."

I can't. I don't think I am ready yet to tell anyone about the last encounter I had with my ex-husband. Even Jung Woo Sung didn't know about what happened when he saw me having puffy eyes going down from the third floor of Friendship Light Home orphanage's building. He kept on asking me, but I never told him.

Well, what should I tell them, huh? That I became so stupid? That I lost control? That I let something so ridiculous happen on that day because I let the person I hated the most hug me after all that he did to me? Shit!

Every second after that day, I couldn't stop blaming myself. It's not only Yoo Jin Woo who I hated now. I also hate myself as well as my heart. I was so stupid! I shouldn't really have gone back to that room for him. What the hell was I thinking? I was out of my mind!

It's been a year... but why? Why he still has the power to make me feel so vulnerable? I should be feeling the other way around. I survived alone and made it through the year without him. I was finally moving on! After what I've been through without him by my side, facing the loss of our marriage and especially our baby, I should hate him more and never give him a second chance. I even wanted to hurt him physically. I wanted him to feel what I felt when he left me. I wanted him to suffer more than what I suffered. I should feel more disgusted at him. But shit! I even wanted the world to stop more than fucking five minutes.

Of course, I didn't go back to the Friendship Light Home orphanage yet after that day. I called one of the nuns, Sister Gyeol, that I will just visit the kids again some other time since I have to take care of something at work. I know I lied, but I had to do it. Jung Woo Sung also agreed with me, as he surely knows I want to avoid Yoo Jin Woo. I was so sure my shameless ex-husband will make the orphanage his excuse to see me again. No. I won't ever allow him again. I will never let him get closer to me or touch me again. I'm afraid I already lost trust in myself.

"Officer Ha... Officer Ha..."

"Huh?" I looked up to Officer Lee.

"I don't really think you're okay. You didn't even hear your phone keeps on ringing."

Err! I didn't know I was lost with my thoughts again. Immediately, I grabbed my phone on top of the table. I looked who's the one calling, and I see it's Pyo Chi Soo.

"Excuse me, Officer Lee. I need to answer this."

"Yeah, sure. I also have to go back to my table, Officer Ha." She stood up, and before she turns around and walk away, she says... "Remember, you always have me, ok? Call me if you need me."

I gladly nodded at her and let out a small smile. Officer Lee has been really so good to me, and I couldn't thank her enough for making me feel that I always have a sister to lean on. I feel so lucky to have her.

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