Chapter 4

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Saturday Evening:

Grace's P.O.V

I can't believe I'm going to spend the weekend wondering why Hannah's behaving like this !! But if there's one thing I know about hannah it's that she keeps stuff to herself because she doesn't wanna trouble people with her problems. I've got to snap out of it because Chester is planning something special for our one year Anniversary. I hear my phone and I see Chester's name on the screen.

"Hey Babe " 

"Please tell me you're not cancelling on me " he says laughing.

"Well it's our Anniversary, I wouldn't cancel it "

"Great I'll see you in an hour " he says and hangs up.

At the restaurant :

We arrive at the Aqua Shard restaurant. The view is so beautiful and romantic. He is the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. We enjoy dinner and then just before desert her holds my hand and gets down on one knee.

"Gracie ever since I met you I knew I needed to be friends with you, but then this feeling of friendship with you wasn't enough for me, I needed more. So I finally got the courage to ask you out and I fell for you, really hard and once I fell I didn't want to get up, and while I'm on one knee, I really want you to be my one and only.... So Grace Anne Helbig will you make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me ? " he says and takes out the ring from his coat pocket.

My heart is racing... My feelings are so confused but saying YES is all that matters..... At least that's what I feel Right ?!? I mean when someone proposes it's like almost compulsory for the other one to say YES...

"Oh my God, YES !! " I shout out. 

I am really excited and nervous but it's so freaking confusing. Argh these feelings... I really wish that I was an actual robot.

On the ride back to the hotel :

"Oh my God babe that was so romantic and special " I say. 

"Well you're special to me " he says and kisses me. 

He pulls up to the Hotel entrance to drop me off because unfortunately no room was available in the same hotel so his manager got him into another hotel. 

"You know you leave tomorrow evening and I wish I didn't have to stay here alone " he says.

"Well I'm going to miss you too but you have important music record deals and stuff and I'll be fine for a few weeks without you " I say to him.

"Well what do you think about spending the night at my hotel tonight ? " he smirks.

"Well I'm really tired and I have to pack for tomorrow's flight " I say and get out of the car.

"God you're such a tease " he smiles at me and drives off.

Once I tell Mamrie she's jumping up and down on the bed in excitement. She can't believe it. And then all of a sudden she slows down  on the excitement part.

"What's wrong Mames ? " I ask her.

"Erm.. Nothing, Its just that I thought you didn't want to get married after your mum and dad got divorced " she says.

"Yeah but people change Mames " 

"Yup you're right !! " she says and immediately offers me a glass of wine.

"Oh I'm gonna message Hannah too !! " I say excitedly. 

"Wait are you sure ? " Mamrie asks.

"Yeah Mames she's my best friend I can't not tell her " 

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