Chapter 8

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Author's note:

Hey guys I'm not sure if the theories I write work in reality, I just write as a hobby and imagine stuff and I hope you guys like it.

Grace's P.O.V

"Morning Han " I say smiling at her.

"Morning Grace... You know you can sleep upstairs right ? You don't have to sleep on the couch just because I can't climb upstairs to my room " She smiles back.

Ever since Hannah arrived from the hospital I prepared the guest bedroom downstairs, so that she doesn't hurt herself while climbing up. Of course once she can walk steadily, walking upstairs will be easier.

"Ollie really missed you " I say.

"I'm pretty sure your dog goose missed me too" she smirks.

"Yeah we both did " I say and before I realize what I'm doing I stare into her beautiful blue eyes.

"I think something is burning " she says still looking into my eyes.

"Shit !! " I say and run back into the kitchen.

Wow probably shouldn't look into her eyes again.

"Hey can I ask you something about the accident ? " she asks sitting at the table with difficulty.

I run to help her and she smiles at me.

"Sure " I say.

"Well the doctor didn't really tell me how it happened but I was wondering maybe you could tell me "

"It was my fault " I say and immediately I begin to cry. "I was mad at you and I didn't realize I was standing in the middle of the road. You ran after me and told me to get out of the way but I didn't understand what you were saying and then you pushed me out of the way "

" Please don't cry " She says wiping away my tears. "I know for sure you were worth saving "

She looks at me and our lips are so close. I want to kiss her and tell the truth about why I was mad at her the day of the accident. What if she hates me for it ? If I tell her the truth about the accident and how I really feel now, she will think I'm just saying it for pity's sake and that I don't mean it.

"Erm we should eat because you have to go for physical therapy today, don't wanna be late again " I say changing the subject.

"Would you come with me ? " she asks looking worried.

"Yeah I'm gonna drive you and I'll pick you up after " I say.

"No I mean be there during the session "

" Sure I guess "

"I'm gonna go get dressed and I can do it myself thanks " she says smiling.

Hannah's P.O.V

What the hell is wrong with me ?! I was gonna kiss her !! That's not gonna make anything better... at least I don't think so ? Shutup brain !! Why was I mad at her ? I finally found my phone it was under the couch. Weird place to find it. I'll leave for charging and when I come back from physical therapy I'll use it.

During the session:

"C'mon Miss Hart just 10 more minutes and then a short break "

"You can call me Hannah too you know, and I don't think I can do 10 more minutes, we've been at this for a week "

"You have to try Hannah, Imagine you have this place or special person that you need to get to, no matter what, picture that and now try to walk "

That's weird... I'm imagining me walking towards Grace. I immediately shake the thought out of my head and then I see Grace walk up to me.

"I know you can do it farto, I'm going to be waiting for you when you reach that side of the room " she smiles at me.

Walking is so painful but walking towards my best friend ( according to everyone ) feels easier. I'm almost there... Finally... Just as I reach her I loose my balance and she catches me. I almost kiss her with the fall and our lips our just inches apart. As I look into her beautiful brown eyes I see my memories !!! All the times I spent with her. The laughs we had, the tears we cried, the hugs, among these memories I hear her speak to me in the memory she's angry with me, she's crying, she has a phone in her hand, My phone !!! What's going on.

She helps me stand up.

"Hey you all right ? " she asks me.

"Yeah I'm gonna practice again " I say.

I saw it... I saw everything. She was in my memories. We were close before the accident. What do these feelings for her mean ? What does the phone part mean ? She was angry about something in the phone I guess.

"Grace could we talk when we get home ? " I ask her.

" Sure " she replies smiling.

Once we reach home she helps me sit on the couch in the living room.

"What did you wanna tell me ? " she asks.

"I saw you you today "

"What do you mean ? "

" I remember you "

She's trying to hold back her tears and she hold's my hand. (A/N: Sorry guys it seems I like to make Grace cry a lot )

"I remember the time you surprised me in that gilly suit, the time you got drunk and climbed the neighbours wall, fell down and were bleeding and I took you to the hospital " I say. "The time we kissed at the streamys, and that time you went through a break up and decided it would be a fantastic idea to watch romance movies and you got drunk and then you decided to jump in a pool without clothes on " I say laughing. "And I think you're engaged too, I don't really remember, I just saw a picture in my flashback but everything was blurry "

" Oh my god you remember " she says and hugs me. " I'm not engaged anymore "

"Oh I'm sorry did something happen ? " I ask.

"Yeah but Chester was really understanding "

Part of me is relieved that she isn't engaged. Why ? I have no fucking idea. I still have tons of memories about the accident to remember but so far I remember her and that's the most important part.

I go into my room, walking around with crutches all the time isn't the most fun. I pick up my phone lying on the table. Grace got me a new one since I couldn't find the old one. I check the photos on my phone there are so many of me and Grace, me, Grace and Mamrie. I check my emails and check my messages and I see Grace was the last person I messaged. I read the conversation. Suddenly I have a flashback, a memory !!

In my memory flashback, she messages with a picture and there's a ring on her finger. I see myself typing but I love you but I don't send the message. I skip to the part where she finds my mobile and reads the message. I try to explain to her what I meant by it but she doesn't stop to listen. I see her run out the door and into the street, I run after her and then I see the accident happen !! And then I come back into reality.

I was in love with her !!

Authors note :
I'm sorry sometimes I write crap like this, at least I feel it is. If you guys like it please vote, comment and follow, it keeps me motivated to write more. :)

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