Chapter 15

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Hannah's P.O.V

I spent the whole night dreaming about Grace, and the week we spent together. I can't wait to see her again.

I jump out of bed and put decide to put on clothes that don't make me look or feel, like I'm going through a mid life crisis.

After a warm shower I go downstairs and make breakfast. Waffles always make me feel better.

I keep glancing at my phone across the table. Grace should have called by now. She's probably in LA already.

Finally after debating with myself for around 15 minutes I snatch the phone and dial her number.

That's weird ! Voice mail ?! After any flight Grace can't wait to use her phone.

I'm gonna watch some TV so I don't go insane.

Click ! Click ! Next ! Next ! Ooh... Interesting... Nope.

I pass right through the News channel. Wait ! Did that just say Plane Crash !!

I click the back button on the remote.

That's weird ! The plane that crashed was on the way to LA.

My heart automatically begins to beat faster. As the the news anchor reveals the details of the crash. They all match perfectly and fit the description of Graces flight.

I hear the telephone ring and Sarah's name appears on the screen.

" Dude are you seeing this ?? " she says talking about the news.

" This isn't real. This is not happening ! " I cry into the phone and fall to the ground.

In no time Sarah is at my place and she spends the whole day comforting me.

Then the phone call that we've been dreading to pick up calls us.

I pick up, and its the LAX airport flight management team.

" I'm so sorry to inform you about this mishap. " he says.

" Has anything been found yet ? Anything, anyone, survivors ?? " I ask.

" There are rescue teams sent to the ocean since that's where the crash took place, but so far there's just luggage and debris from the crash. We've sent divers in as well, but we can't say anything for sure. "

After the long conversation ends, all I can think about is why did I even let her go back. I could have at least gone with her.

Mamrie shuttles her care and love between me and Graces mom who's in a worse state than me.

Two days later.

Two days later and still no news. I'm dying inside. I miss her so much. Her voice. Her laugh. The color of her cheeks when she blushes. The taste of her lips on mine.

I would give anything to go back in time and stop her.

Graces fans are hoping each and everyday that the rescuers will find her. Same as me.

3 days later.

Sarah and I have left for LA. We're staying in Graces house and Mamrie helped us move in temporarily.

The longer I'm in Graces house the longer I feel like she's gonna come waltzing in and say something cute and funny. But the reality is different.

Going to sleep is the worst. All I can think about is Grace. Will she come home soon ? Will they find her ?

4th day:

*phone rings*

Its 7:30 in the morning and I fall of the bed trying to pick up the phone.

"Hello ?! Yes this is Hannah. You found her ?! Yes we'll be right there. "
I hang up and run to the next room and wake up Sarah.

" Sarah they found her !! We need to go to the hospital. Now !! " I say shaking her.

" Oh my God. Let's go. " she says.

In a few minutes we're dressed and ready and out the door.

I drive as fast as I can, but careful enough not to get into an accident. I wish the doctor told me more but they just told us to hurry up and come as soon as possible.

In 20 minutes Sarah and I reach there. Graces mum is already there and and she is really upset.

I see Grace in the room. She's got tubes everywhere and she's on the ventilator. She's in a coma. I could lose her forever.

The doctor walks over to me and her mother.

" Her injuries are serious. Especially since they involve her heart, lungs and brain. I'm sorry but there's no easy way to say this.... She's dying. "

Authors note :

Hey guys hope you liked it. And sorry for the wait. Please comment and vote because I haven't really decided what's going to happen next. Literally no clue. Should she live ? Should she die ? Should there be Swarto ??

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