Chapter 17

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Authors note :

In this chapter keep in mind that Hannah does NOT have feelings for Sarah. But Sarah has started falling for Hannah. Also while you're reading this chapter you should listen to The Other Side by Parachute it suits the chapter.

Hannah's P.O.V

Its been 6 months and today is Graces last stand. There's no option left. The doctors have to shut off the ventilator. The only machine keeping her alive.

I sit next to her mother, Mamrie, Sarah as the doctor comes in and explains the procedure. All I can hear is all the happy times me and Grace had. After a few hours the beeps begin to slow down. It's hard not to ingnore them, it feels like a loud bell ringing in my ear. Grace's mum begins to break down so Mamrie and Tyler take her home. Even though she really wants to stay, but her nerves are too weak to handle the stress.

Chester goes out for a walk around the corridor to get some air. I lay next to Grace now that we are alone I can be there.

" You know how much I wish that was me laying here instead of you ?! " I say and I feel a lump in my throat. " Please don't do this Gracie. How am I supposed to move on from you. I wasted so much time in thinking you would never feel the same way and now that we're together you're gonna leave me ?! Alone !! " My voice cracks at tears fall on my cheek.

" If you can, please try and come back to me. I don't wanna lose you. I know it probably doesn't happen that often but God if you can make a miracle happen please now would be the time. " I cry against Gracie.

I get up and kiss Gracie on her lips hoping that maybe it will wake her up, just like in those fairy tales. But there's still no movement.

I leave the room for a few minutes because every minute with Grace is like watching her leave, and I can't be okay with that.

Chester's P.O.V

I watch Hannah leave the room and I enter and look at Grace. I sit on the chair even though I want to lie next to her and kiss her for one last time.

I begin to feel a deep anger burn up inside of me. This never would have happened if Grace was dating me !! And now she's here because she decide to visit Hannah in London. They're not even together and already Hannah has hurt her. As I get up to leave I feel movement behind me and then I hear a hoarse voice.

" Chester ?! What are you doing here ?! "

I turn around and see Grace looking at me

" You're awake finally. " I say unable to think of anything else.

" Let me guess, I've been like this for months and everyone lost hope ?! " she says.

" I'm gonna call the doctor and Hannah. " I say.

In a few minutes Hannah runs into the room. Tears overflowing like water and hugs Grace.

The minute Grace sees Hannah her face light like a child opening his presents on his birthday.

I feel angry and unwanted. She should be mine. And then I see Grace and Hannah kiss and it makes me want to punch a wall. I know I told Grace to go chase the girl of her dreams, but I never expected her to follow through. I don't know how but I'm gonna make sure that they breakup.

Hannah's P.O.V

I run through the hallways once I hear she's awake. Tears streaming down my face. My heart feels like its going to burst and in all my life I've never felt like something like this could happen.

I enter the room and Grace looks at me with an excited smile. I run and hug her tight. As I pull her close she whispers in my ear.

" Thanks for kissing me. " she says and smiles.

" Anytime. " I say.

Mamrie and Tyler run in next and both are crying like babies. And in an hour the doctor come in with the best news ever. Grace can leave in a day or two.

Chester doesn't look too happy but no one had time to talk about him. And Swike is no where to be seen ?! She said she was gonna be here.

After hours of telling Grace all that happened when she was in a coma I decide she needs to rest and force her to sleep.

" C'mon I don't wanna sleep !! " she whines like a kid.

" You wanna get out of her faster you're gonna have to rest. " I say. " I'll come back later. " I say and kiss her forehead.

I walk around searching for Sarah and finally I spot her entering the washroom.

I follow her in.

Authors note

Hope you guys didn't leave. Sorry I took so long to update. I was trying to get a proper idea of what I should write next. Hope you like it and if u did please don't forget to vote and comment.

What do u guys think is gonna happen once Hannah talks to Sarah alone ? Also a lot of stuff is gonna happen soon. Someone is gonna cheat on someone, it could be Hannah OR it could be Grace !! What does Chester have in mind for breaking up Hartbig ?? Comment about any ideas or theories you have. :)

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