Chapter 14

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Hannah's P.O.V

Grace is leaving tommorow and I'm already missing her. We spent every single hour together and soon she'll be leaving for LA.

Finally we got some time to work on our relationship. We haven't told the fans yet because for now, since its long distance, we want to see how it goes. And also because its too soon to tell.

Being with Grace feels like I've finally found my soulmate.

" Hey its our last night together. " Grace smiles and then sighs.

" Yeah. I don't know how I'm going to survive without you. " I say.

" You won't survive. " she says with a cheeky look on her face.

" I'll manage don't worry. " I say.

She kisses me and in no time we're making out on the couch and soon we're in the bed room tearing each others clothes off.

I pushes her onto the bed and begin to kiss every inch of her body. My tongue slides down her chest and waist, sending shivers down my spine.

I straddle her along my waist and then kiss her neck. I grin to myself when I find her weakness.

" Hannah. Wow... " she gasps for breath.

My fingers move in and out with the rhythm of her breath.

" Hannah.... You have to let me... " she whispers. She can barely get the words.

After a few minutes of teasing I let her win.

She then pushes herself on top of me. And her legs are on my waist. She bites her lip. She's going to pay for teasing me so much.

My tongue finds her sensitive spots and immediately she has me at her mercy.

Grace's P.O.V

" Grace.... Wow.... That's amazing. " she pants. " Don't stop doing whatever it is you're doing down there. " she bites her lip in excitement and shuts her eyes.

My thumb massages her clit and my fingers go in and out. She begs me to stop teasing and finally I give in too.

I kiss her and lie down next to her smiling.

" Woah. That was sensational. " she says looking at the ceiling breathless with a smile.

" How was I ? " I ask innocently.

" Who else could I have been talking about ?! "

" I was really nervous. Its my first time with a girl. "

" You were perfect babe. " she says and kisses me.

Both of us are still out of breath, when the phone rings.

" Hey Mames. Sup ? "

" I'm good but why do you sound like you've been jogging ? " she asks.

" ERM.. "

" You know what, don't tell me, I'm pretty sure I have a good guess about what it was. "

" Sorry... " I yell from the background.

" Just wanted to know if you're coming back for sure because Goose misses you. "

" Yeah. I am. " I say.

" Cool. So I'll pick you up from the airport. "

After I hang up I look at Hannah and smile.

" I'm gonna miss you when I leave. "

" Me too. Promise me you'll phone me when you land. " she says.

" Obviously. Without hearing your voice I would probably go insane. " I say and hold her hand.

Last day. At the airport.

" You got everything right ?! " Hannah asks looking at me.

" Nope. I'm just missing out on one thing. " I say looking back at her.

" What ?! " she asks with a serious face ready to go and find what I'm missing.

" YOU silly. " I say and kiss her.

" Don't worry. In gonna try to come there too. "

"Crap. There's the announcement. I gotta go. " I say smiling through my tears.

" You know you're my whole world right ?! " she asks beginning to tear up.

" I'm pretty sure you've told me that a million times. At least different versions of it. And don't you start crying because then I can't stop. " I say wiping away her tears.

After our last goodbye its time to board the plane. And soon after the takeoff I'm off to sleep.

A few hours later I wake up to the sound of a really loud crying baby. Why couldn't I get a seat that didn't have kids or babies near it ?

Suddenly there's a jerk. Then followed by a serious of jerks. I guess its some new kind of crazy turbulence.

Before I know it. The air hostesses are running around checking whether people have put their seatbelts on. And then the oxygen masks drop from above. People begin to panic. I immediately put the mask on.

I look out the window and all I see is the wide blue ocean. And its getting nearer and nearer. They tell us the emergency procedures and we wear life vests.

And just like that I'm not awake anymore. Everything is BLACK.

Authors note :

Hope you guys liked it. Sorry for not updating but I was under a lot of stress because, my moms reaction to my coming out wasn't good. I'm sorry about the suspense but the fanfic will get better. Please vote, comment and follow because it motivates me to update.

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