Chapter 5

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Hannah's P.O.V

Grace runs out the door and I'm running after her to try and stop her. She turns around to look at me and  I see a car is coming straight at her. 

"Gracie get out of the way !! " I shout. 

Its coming closer.. I run and push her out of the way and the next I know is everything is PITCH BLACK !!

Grace's P.O.V

I run to her side, there's blood everywhere. Her eyes are closed and she isn't breathing. I've already called 911 and they've told me to give her CPR. Please wake up Hannah... I need you to be okay. Just as the ambulance arrives I see her eyes open, she holds my hand, weakly and smiles.

"I'm sorry Grace but you'll be better without me " she whispers into my ear.

I look back at her eyes but the light from her eyes have left her. She closes them and the paramedics carry her onto the stretcher and into the ambulance. They let me come too and throughout the whole time I'm holding her hand. Her body has bruises and scratches everywhere. She hasn't woken up and the medics aren't answering any of my questions. 

Mamrie is already on her way to the hospital. The minute we reach the hospital doctors and nurses wheel her into the OR. Mamrie sees Hannah being wheeled in and can't believe that it's her. There's blood everywhere. I call Chester and he tells me he's leaving right now to be here. 

After 4 hours of surgery the doctor approaches us.

"Hi I'm doctor Adams "

"How is she ? " I interrupt him. 

" Luckily the driver slammed the brakes in time, otherwise she wouldn't even be alive right now" He says. "But she is still critical, we've put her in a medically induced coma and she's on the ventilator because her lungs have to get strong, I need you to be prepared for anything "

"When will she wake up ? " I interrupt him again.

"Well it depends on her healing and immunity, but it could take weeks or even months, she may also have long or short term memory loss "

"You mean there's a chance she wouldn't remember us " I ask him.

"It would take her sometime for her to remember or she might never remember but you have to be patient " He says and leaves.

"This is all my fault " I cry and tell Mamrie.

"What do you mean Gracie "

Once I tell her the entire story, she hugs and wipes away my tears.

"Dude I'm gonna get us some coffee, please don't blame yourself " she says and gets into the elevator.

After a few minutes the nurse tells me I can see Hannah in her room. I enter the room and look at Hannah. There are tubes everywhere but she still looks beautiful. There are still scars on her cheek and hands but nothing could make her look bad.

I sit down next to her and hold her hand. Her hand is cold and limp, it's like there's no life in her.

I spend the night at the hospital and I tell Mames to go home and rest. 

" You know farto when I read the message that you almost sent to me, I freaked out " I say to her. "I mean why would you even fall for someone like me.... I'm damaged goods and I'm not even good with kids, but I guess you saw something in me that no one ever did.... You know when Chester proposed, all I could think about was YOU " I tell her. " I don't know why YOU or HOW YOU ? But being with you no matter what, always made me feel safe and special.... I didn't think about these feelings because I was afraid, and I guess I wasn't really ready to feel them.... I'm not saying this because you're in hospital, I'm saying this because I want you back and not just like a friend, I want you to introduce me to people as your girl friend.... So please come back to me... Please " I cry and fall asleep.

3 months later:

I spend almost all my time here in the hospital with Hannah. I want to be here when she wakes up. She looks more like the old Hannah except for being in a coma. Her scars have completely healed and she's going to be off the ventilator in a few hours. And the doctors hope she will wake up in a few weeks also. The doctors have told us that we will have to help her walk and do simple stuff but eventually she will get there.

I decide to leave the hospital and go to Chester's place for sometime. I haven't given him a lot of time and attention but he has been very understanding and kind. 

Once I reach his place, he forces me to eat lunch. 

"Erm Grace you know if you're unsure we don't have to do this " He says.

"What ? Lunch ? It tastes great and I haven't eaten for hours so I'm starving " I say laughing.

"No... I mean us " He says.

"What do you mean ? " I ask.

"I've always been a lil bit jealous of Hannah being with you all the time, and that's maybe because she can give you something that I can't.... I want you to be happy and if being with Hannah makes you happy then I think we should re-think us " 

"How did you know ? "

"It was pretty obvious Grace, you guys are meant to be together " 

"I'm so sorry Chester... " I say taking off the engagement ring.

"It's fine, at least we didn't have fights and throw stuff at each other " 

"Yeah, but lets promise each other that we will  always remain friends "

"Sure " He says with a smile and hugs me.

I continue eating my lunch with him while we talk about Hannah.

3 weeks later :

I get a phone call while I'm having lunch with Mamrie and Tyler.

"Hello.... Hi... Dr. Adams is everything all right ? " I say.

After he hangs up, I immediately jump out of the chair.

"What did he say ? " Mames and Tyler ask.

"She's awake guys... Hannah's awake " I say.

Once we reach the hospital the doctor meets us before we enter to meet Hannah.

"Since it has been 3 months and a couple of weeks of being in a coma we'd like people to go and meet her one at a time" He says.

"Is there like a specific procedure to follow ? " Mamrie asks.

"Well if she remembers you, then you should move onto asking her about her job, her family, friends and relationships or anything close to a relationship but please don't tell her about anyone she is supposed to know about because we want to see the progress she's making "

"Grace could I go first " Mamrie asks me. 

"Yeah dude sure " I say.

Mamrie's P.O.V 

I enter Hannah's room and immediately I see her smile.

"Hey Mames !! " She shouts. 

I sit next to her on the bed and she hugs me. 

"I missed you so much man " I say.

"How long was I in a coma ? "

"3 months and a couple a weeks " I say.

"That long huh... Wow !! " 

"I'm pretty sure my channel has got tons of mean comments " 

"Dude don't be ridiculous... the fans are really understanding and supportive "

" The doctor told me you can eat some normal food, not the hospital stuff, so what do you wanna try ? " I ask her.

"Well I don't really remember what's my favourite food.... so maybe you could surprise me ? " she says.

I leave the room to go home and make her some soup... I don't know whether it's her favourite but me,Grace and her used to have it every Sunday.

Finally !! All of us have missed Hannah.

Author's note :

Hey guys hope you like it. Sorry if it's kinda boring. If you like it vote, comment or follow. Also I have no fuckin clue if all this medical stuff exists so please don't kill me if it's false.

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