Chapter 16

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Hannah's P.O.V

Its been three months since we found Grace. Three long painful months of sleepless nights. No Grace lying next to me. Some days Graces' vitals are good and sometimes they're bad. If only she could wake up, I would never leave her. I could never leave her.

Grace always planned for the worst. While she was struggling to survive during the crash she wrote something for me. I haven't had the guts to read it yet but I think its time to finally do it. She wrote it on her mobile in the memo pad app and named the file Hannah.

Dear Hannah,

I don't know whether they are going to find me. I don't think I can hold on anymore, but I used common sense and shut my phone off during the crash because I want to save my battery to write this letter or note to you.

If I don't make it, or for whatever reason I'm in a bad condition, I need you to know that I love you. More than anything else in the world. And I need you to move on, I want you to move on and be happy Without me, and find someone who appreciates you for you and doesn't want to change you.

Always and forever will be yours,


Teardrops fall from my eyes onto her phone screen. She wants me to move on !! I can't, she's my everything. She should be here next to me. Is she doing this to punish me ?!

I get up from my bedside and in a fit of rage throw everything I can find against the wall. I pick up the books on the table and throw them against the floor. I pick up the frames that have pictures of me and Grace on the bedside table and smash them against the wall and scream out in anger.

Sarah comes in and tries to control me by holding my arms behind my back.

" Listen Hannah, I know its sucks. It sucks for all of us, but trashing this place isn't gonna make it better. " she says as she hugs me tightly trying to calm me down while I still struggle to break free from her arms.

" She told me to move on !! Without her !! Why ?! " I say struggling to break away from Sarah's arms. But she doesn't let go and slowly, I calm down and ease into the hug crying bitterly.

Sarah and I remain in that position for a few minutes until I stop hyperventilating, and soon enough the hug becomes awkward because of the silence and our close proximity to each other.

" Erm... I should clean this room. " she says pulling away.

" No.. No let me do it. I messed it up. " I say and pick up a book.

At the same time Sarah bends down to pick up the same book and our hands touch and our eyes meet. Luckily the doorbell rings and the eye contact between us breaks.

" I'll get that. " she says and runs out of the room.

Wow that felt weird. I pick up the books and frames and try to make the room look like no one had a major melt down.

Sarah's P.O.V

My mind is going crazy right now. What the hell is wrong with me ?! I almost kissed Hannah !! Graces Hannah. I'm spending to much of my life around her. I practically live with her now, and even in London I was with her too much. Maybe I feel this way because we're both affected by Grace's condition. Mamrie's affected too, but I don't feel like kissing her !! Damn I need to get rid of these feelings, before they complicate Hannah's and Grace's life. I can't ruin their relationship just because I feel differently around Hannah.

Authors note :

What do you guys think ?! Please don't kill me if you don't like the overall idea. If you think it was interesting please vote and comment about what you would like to see next because your comments mean a lot. and they inspire me to keep writing :)

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