Chapter 10

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Hannah's P.O.V

Since these are the last few days before I leave Grace, Mamrie and I decide the most appropriate thing to do is shots !! And of course... getting blackout drunk is really really showing dedication to the whole moving to London thing. Grace has been really great and now since there are just three days left to leave it's getting to her. 

I'm sitting in a corner of my room editing my last MDK in this LA house. Grace comes and takes a chair and sits next to me doing a Grace face. She does that until I acknowledge the fact that she exists. It's our thing !!

"Could we talk ? " she says.

"Sure, about what ? "

"Well it's mostly about the fact that before the accident you had feelings for me and we haven't really talked about that. " 

" You know how you get over someone because you know they will never feel the same way? Well I don't know , I guess something changed. I don't know what and more than anything I wish I knew, but it's not that I forgot because of the accident. I guess sometimes stuff gets blocked out. " I say hoping that we won't pursue the topic.

"You're right, and you promise to visit us regularly right ? "

"You make me sound like I'm a millionaire, but I'll try and no forgetting about skype because last time you forgot I was online and you went out. "

"Sorry about that. " she smiles and says.

After she leaves the room I heave a sigh of relief. I'm pulled out of my full concentration of editing when Mamrie calls my phone.

"Hey dude sup, you guy's talked yet ? " she shouts into the phone like I'm deaf.

" Did you tell her to ask me about my feelings for her which existed before the accident ? " I say.

" I might have done that. " she shouts again.

" Why are you shouting into the phone ? " I shout back making sure Grace isn't anywhere near.

" Well Tyler and I decided it would be awesome to play with fireworks and now we can't hear, but hopefully we will. "

" Seems like a good life choice dude !! " I say with a hint of sarcasm.

" You're getting good at using sacarsm but.... Did you ask her " she says.

" No, before I could ask her about her breaking off the engagement she asked me about feelings and I think it's best to leave it alone I don't wanna break our friendship before I leave. " I tell her.

" Yeah dude. "

"And you know how I say ' When the time is right , Its right ' . " I say trying to sound super intelligent.

" You never say that. " she says seeing right through my act.

"Fine it will happen when it's supposed to, just let it go for now. "

 " Kay, now I gotta go we're going to play with more fireworks !! " she shouts and hangs up the phone.

" Be careful, and she's gone. " I say just as she hangs up.

Next Morning

Grace's P.O.V

" Morning Hannah !! I made breakfast. " I say jumping on the bed next to her.

" Ugh... Gracie too much noise " I say clutching my ears.

" C'mon you leave tomorrow night and I wanted to treat you special today. " she says.

"Don't do the puppy dog face it's too cute. " I say making her smile.

" Well if I do the face you do everything I say. " 

" Lets go I'll start making everything again. " she says getting out if bed and into the bathroom.

" No this time I actually think it's cooked to perfection. " 

" Kay I'll be right down. " she says.

Today is officially the last day me and Hannah get to spend time alone together. I'm freaking out because I don't know what to do about the whole me being in love with her part. She just thinks of me as her best friend and nothing more. I need to get over her but it's so hard, why isn't there some sort of medication for this. She has forgotten about being In love with me and if I tell her I feel the same way, and she isn't able to reciprocate the feelings then I don't think I could handle that. I guess once she moves away I'll be able to get over her.

In the evening :

Hannah's P.O.V

So this is the first time I've decided not to get as drunk as I usually do because of my flight tomorrow evening. Gracie on the other hand decided it would be a fantastic idea to get wasted. Now what most of you don't know about Grace is when she gets this drunk ( which is usually really rare ) she starts telling the truth. Whole new level of truth or dare. 

" So Grace what do you wanna do now ? " I ask her. 

She's lying down in the backseat of the car and we had to stop at the side of the road cause she needed to throw up. Of course as her best friend I held her hair back.

" Lets go home and do weird stuff. " she says and punches my shoulder.

" Good thing I know you so well. When you say weird stuff you mean feelings, and sadly I hate to tell you this but you're not a robot. " I say and punch her back.

" I wish I was a robot right now. " 

Once we reach home I actually have to carry her because she can't walk straight. I take her to the couch and she turns on the television. 

" C'mon Gracie, no watching until you tell me what's going on with you. " I say like I'm talking to a small child.

She makes a pouty face which is so adorable and she rests her head on my shoulder.

" Well I like this person and Its really hard to be around them. " 

" What's his name ? " I ask.

" I never said it was a guy. " she slurs the words and smiles.

" Oh cool... Why haven't you told her how you feel yet ? " I ask her.

" What if she doesn't feel the same way ? " 

" You never know if you don't try. " I say. " What's her name anyway ? " I ask her.

Too late. She's passed out and I hear her snore. She's just too cute to look at. I carry her to her bed and lay her down.

" Gracie I know you probably can't hear me and more than you I suck at talking about feelings. Being with you makes me feel alive and I don't know how I'm going to live without you. Leaving you is the hardest thing in the world.

As I walk into my room I realize maybe I Do feel something more for her. Now she's in love with this other girl and it hurts me. I guess I'll figure my feelings out when I leave tomorrow.

Authors note:

Hope you guys like this chapter. Please keep the comments coming because they're really motivating. If you really liked it please vote or follow. I really want to delay the whole ' I'm in love with you part'  for some time.

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