Chapter 12

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Hannah's P.O.V

On the way to the airport Grace and I are sitting in the back of the taxi. I put my arm around her and she puts her head on my shoulder.

" I really wish you didn't have to go. " she says.

" Me too, but we're going to make it work. I don't want to ruin what I've got right now. " I say smiling at her.

Once we reach the airport we see Mamrie, or rather the whole airport can see Mamrie because she's jumping up and down waving her hand and shouting Farto and smellbig like a crazy person.

" So this is it. " Mamrie says pulling me in for a hug.

" Don't get all emotional on me man !! You'll make me cry too. " I say smiling and begin to tear up.

I look at Grace and she's crying.

" I thought you were a robot Gracie. " I say trying to make her laugh.

" Apparently not. " she says trying to wipe away her tears.

Before I can give an emotional speech about friendship Grace hugs me tight. She kisses me and then she kisses my forehead. We both look at Mamrie. She looks confused.

" Guys I think I'm missing something. You guys just kissed. ON THE MOUTH !! "

" Yeah, we sorta had a 'thing' at home and that ended in us become an 'us'. " I say to Mamrie.

" I'm so happy for you guys and not to be a downer but, how you guys going to go out on dates if you're there and Grace is here ? "

" We still have to figure it out Mames. " Grace says.

" Hannah you're going to miss your flight if you stand here and talk to us. " Grace says and hugs me.

" Your right Gracie, now remember guys, we have technology, so we can talk everyday. "

Once I'm on the flight falling asleep comes easy. I dream about the future, my future, and how Grace and I would get together, maybe one day have family. I can't imagine being without her.

Grace's P.O.V

I'm going to miss Hannah but now that we feel the same way about each other it's different. I may go to London for a few weeks so we can get into a serious relationship with each other. I can't imagine my life without Hannah.

After my usual getting blackout drunk routine, I wake up in the afternoon, Classic me, I check my phone and decide to call Hannah.

" Hey how was the flight ?

" It was alright, but the only thing missing was you next to me. " she says, making me smile.

" Don't worry about that, hopefully I'll be next to you soon. "

" I can't wait. " she says.

After talking to her for hours, we come to the conclusion that in a few days I'll fly there to be with her, and then after a few weeks she'll come to LA.

I don't care about the complications, I just want to be with her. I want to wake up next to her every morning and spend every day with her.

Author's note :

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. I'm running out of ideas so comment if you guys have suggestions.

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