Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

You know when they say your heart breaks but not quite? When you realize you've lost something because of your scatterbrained self but not really worrying because you know you would find it eventually? Ai felt all that just in a compressed ball hitting the walls of his heart continuously.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The moment his eyes connected with hers, he knew instantly that something was wrong.

Her mouth was upturned in a weak smile, her arms wrapped around herself protectively, her body trembling in a way that was not quite visible to all the other people in the room. "E-excuse me but... c-could you t-t-tell me where I am?" she stuttered.

At that moment, it was as if the whole world could hear the sound of his heart dropping onto the cold marble floor. It was as if the essence of her soul wasn't there anymore. Right now, all Ai could see was the hollowed shell of a child.

Hurt, broken.


Cameron could only blink at Amethyst in shock, his brain slowly processing the situation. Like an un-oiled machine, he got up from his position and made his way slowly towards Amethyst with mechanical steps, placing both hands on her shoulders to the point where his knuckles turned white.

She shook vigorously, her small frame looking as if it were going to break. She turned away from his smouldering gaze and cast a frightful look towards Ai's direction and sending him helpless pleas but he just couldn't force his body to move. He felt that if he dared moved even a single inch, he would ruin what was left of his own sanity.

In the end it was Kyle who pried Cameron's strong hands away from Amethyst. When freed, she immediately hid behind James who was closest to her, watching them behind his tall frame.

"Ames, it's me, Cameron, remember? We're here, we're at your home, our home." He kept repeating those lines again and again endlessly without a single breath, his rising panic so painfully apparent.

Ai let out a long breath and stared at the ceiling. Nostalgia hit him straight like a tidal wave as he remembered his first encounter with Amethyst. Her raven black hair, fragile body posture, nervous yet promising eyes filled with indescribable pain. He remembered that same girl seven years ago, frightened and painfully alone.

He uncrossed his arms, relaxing his tensed shoulders and approached her with as much grace and caution that he could possibly muster. He held out his right hand and gave her a charming smile saying the words he never thought he would ever have to repeat again. "My name is Xavier, Ai Xavier. You must be Amethyst?"

Every person in the room looked at him as if he had gone mad, as if he had lost his self control.

'If only they knew how painful this feels,' he thought to himself. 'If only you all knew how hard it was to be standing on a line and always wondering if I should give up or if I could take on more than I could bear. If only I had enough strength.'

Amethyst outstretched her own hand and gave him a genuine smile in return, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ai."

And that was when she blacked out again, herknees folding beneath her before Ai caught her perfectly in his arms. He feltthe slight rustle of the curtains that he had hung in his mind, a curtain thatseparated him from the true darkness within himself, the monster withinstirring after all those years. Awakened from its forced slumber, it whisperedto him in a raspy voice, his mouth twisted cruelly in an ugly smile."She's gone."    


Hey what's up you guys! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated for such a long while. I know I have promised in the past that I would update regularly and for now, all I can promise you is that I will upload but just not as regularly as you would like.

This I know would be an issue but I want to write a story that I can be proud with even if it takes too long a time.

Thank you guys for all the support and votes, it means a lot to me to know that you guys have been enjoying the story so far. 

Byeeee and see you guys soon :)

- Edited 04.06.2016-

Amethyst (ON HOLD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora