Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After leaving the interrogation room, Amethyst unconsciously made her way to the library, a fairly large Moroccan styled building situated in the innermost part of the estate with tall wooden shelves lining the walls and every possible book and archive folders ever published arranged neatly in alphabetical order in eloquent shelves.

She took in the smell of musty old books and trailed the spines of the books she walked passed. The dim lighting of the sunlight shining through the heavy curtains and she did not bother to turn the lights on. She sighed, relishing the feeling of peace that the library never failed to give her.

For the nth time of her life in the Xavier family however, she still managed to end up in one particular section of the library. For some reason, she was always drawn to the south section where she would find one book placed all too strangely in between tightly packed books, right in plain sight. When she pulled the book down in the right angle, the shelf she stood before would move without a sound and reveal a sturdy dark red door made of polished oak and behind that oak door would be another door made of metal strong enough to withstand a missile.

What she wanted however lay beyond those lines of defences, a secret room only a handpicked few would know about and care of its contents. The archives, one of the safest rooms to exist in the world and also the most heavily guarded, a special storage place where only Giotto and his right hand man Leo could have access to.

She knew where they kept the key, she knew the 57 digit pin number that unlocked the metal door like the back of her hand. Despite all that she was never brave enough to even touch the doorknob of the oak door. For five years since discovering the room, all she could do was slide the bookshelves open and close.

After a few more longing stares, she returned the bookshelf to its original space and reluctantly walked away, letting her legs carry her aimlessly around the maze of rose and berry bushes in the main garden, her attention focused on the screen of her phone as she replied company emails and approving mission launches and chemical uses.

The moment Amethyst had turned seventeen, she was legally old enough to inherit everything that once belonged to the now perished Greene family. For the last few years of her life she had spent her days either on exclusive business, managing multiple research labs scattered throughout Europe and Asia, and also rebuilding the dying Greene Corporation under the name 'Miss A' and attending only important company meetings, leaving the rest to her handpicked executives and personal assistants.

Throughout her hectic business life of course, she still had to deal with the mafia world.

As if on cue, Cameron soon came bounding into her point of view, a sandy brown folder in his hands with a huge blue tag on the top labelling it as prisoner documents. "Amethyst hey!!" he hollered cheerfully.

Amethyst groaned.

Cameron laughed at her reaction and handed her the file. "The interrogation documents of the man John whom you met earlier this morning. It also includes his answers after he drank chemical 120. Giotto said to make sure to read through the notes well and sort them through by lunch time."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Because I have to do my laundry today?" he stated in a questioning tone.

Amethyst rolled her eyes and begrudgingly snatched the file off his hands. "Laundry my arse we have maids for that lying twat."

Cameron pulled her into a big and placed a kiss on her forehead "You'll ace it sweetheart. No, you cannot give me those puppy dog eyes. I hate doing your cases they're all so complicated papers and I hate reading through documents."

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