Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

She could see walls made of concrete, graffiti sprayed in obscenities and vulgar drawings decorating it. Large, rusty chains came down from the ceiling and the hooks looking like they could fall off at any given moment and crash onto her, probably even crush her to death. Stairwells ran here and there on all corners of what looked like an abandoned factory, some of the steps already broken and fallen in.

A thick layer of dust seemed to cover everything, even the air she was breathing in. The outline of the water splashed onto her and to the concrete floor proved that the factory was abandoned for a really long time.

"Where had the water come from?" she thought, not realising, aloud.

A snort came from the shadows. Only now, when the sound of the waves wasn't in her ears, was she able to hear clearly. There were groans coming from all directions. The sound of soft murmurs and colourful language sprouted from everywhere.

"So, the princess finally wakes up."

Amethyst turned her head towards the voice.

She saw Verna leaning against a concrete pillar. Her face was streaked with ash and dust. Her long blonde hair knotted, sticking to her scalp. The green shirt she had worn that morning was in tatters, the cloth barely covering anything. Where the skin was exposed, bruises were lined up like purple wildflowers that bloomed overnight.

"What happened to you?" Amethyst asked carefully.

"What happened to all of us is the real question." Amethyst turned, gasping at the sight. Somehow she hadn't noticed beforehand but, now that her eyesight had adjusted to the dim lighting, she saw the others sprawled on their backs, clutching either their arms' or their torsos'. Everyone looked as if they had just been spit out of a tornado.

Frowning, she took a moment to inspect her own body. Curiously, other than being cold and soaking wet, nothing seemed out of place. Not a bruise or a cut anywhere on her skin. The pain in her neck was the only thing that bothered her but she dismissed the feeling.

Ai was apparently the first one to wake up. He explained to them how he explored the whole factory to try and find clues or even an exit but, unfortunately, found none. The only exit that was available which was the main door, was blocked off by a metal grate consumed by rust over the years.

Amethyst got up shakily to her feet, the pain in her neck a throbbing reminder resembling closely to someone repeatedly stabbing needles into her neck.

And then she collapsed.

Ai caught her before she fell, her head clashing headfirst onto his chest. Ai stiffened as their arms tangled together and Amethyst shivered upon contact of his warm skin to hers.

She raised her head, meeting the eyes of his very worried brown ones. She let the world fall away from her, everything else fading into black until the only thing she saw was him and his too pale face. His hair fell over his eyes, his forehead damp with sweat. Something else glinted in the back of his mind, as she saw, but she ignored it upon sight of his lips.

The perfect curve of his cupids bow, his lower lip in a constant pout and strangely that was the only thing on his whole body that was coloured. His lips were a colour of dark crimson, bright in her eyes.

Ai shifted closer, his hand finding her hair and brushing it away from her face.

"Amethyst..." he whispered her name in a low tone that only she could hear.

From the inside, she quivered.

Only air separated them now.

He mouthed something to her, making her eyes widen. She felt something jab right into her abdomen, warm liquid starting to pour through the wound.

He pulled back, letting her fall onto her knees.

"I'm sorry." He had muttered, an indescribable pain flashing through his eyes.

The last thing she heard was the loud guffaw of someone she thought she could trust.

Then the darkness came.


You dont know how cold i felt writing this like gods.

SO! What do you guys think? Is Ai the bad guy? Why did he stab Ames? Is everyone else in on it too?!?!?!?




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