Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Giotto was taken aback by her bold statement. He expected her to feel depressed, her tender age rendering her a confused shipwreck. He never expected her to want to commit to the fact that the Greene's were dead, to actually change her name and become a new person entirely.

There was a fire burning in her eyes, a fire he had never seen for so long. As the car entered a tunnel, everything was dark. When the light came back, he saw a demon manifest inside of Amethyst and for a fraction of a second, he felt fear spark from within him as he imagined what would become of Amethyst in a few years time.

The car drove on the gravel road to the Xavier mansion, the black gates towering menacingly over ten meters above them with barbed wires twinned onto them. He pulled out a small controller and pushed the green button and the gates swung open slowly, barely making a sound. "We're here, sir." The driver told him solemnly.

Amethyst watched as the car parked cleanly onto the stone driveway, her gaze set onto the graceful figure of Giotto as he exited the car. The door was opened for her and she accepted the hand that helped her climb of the car. Unlike Giotto, she was clumsy and almost tripping out of the car and rolling onto the dewy grass, the feeling of using her right leg mechanical and weird.

"Are you okay, Amethyst?" Giotto asked, his perfect eyebrows scrunched up in worry. She nodded quickly; feeling embarrassed, and turned her attention towards the mansion in front of her. More than a mansion, you could call it a palace.

The Victorian styled building stood majestically on the ever so green and perfectly cut grass. The pillars that supported the building had hand carved symbols that she just couldn't help but want to trail her fingers over all the intricate detailing. The gold that lined the windows shone like diamonds in the twilight.

All around her were rose bushes and wildflowers growing everywhere, their little heads throwing a mixture of heavenly floral scents in the wind. Her mouth hung in awe as she took in everything. She followed Giotto who was flanked by two men in black ever since the hospital.

The gigantic oak doors swung open almost automatically as Giotto reached it. Her eyes widened. The interior was breathtaking. A long lush red carpet was laid in front of them leading to a major stairway. Men in black suits and matching red neckties stood at either side of the carpet lined up perfectly according to height.

They bowed lowly and said in perfect synchronisation, "Welcome back, sir."

At this point, it was impossible not to be in bewilderment. This was too much for a twelve year old girl to take in. Everything was moving like a movie. She felt her heart beat rapidly in excitement and shook her head mentally. This is so not normal.

"Just how large is the Xavier group?" she voiced absentmindedly. Giotto chuckled when he heard her question, the urge to just burst out laughing threatening to take over him. A man who sported a military styled blonde hair came out of the line and approached Giotto. "Welcome back, Giotto."

Giotto smiled at him and said "Thank you Leo, everyone. Please raise your heads."

No one had seemed to notice Amethyst's presence at first because everybody in the room was only focused at Giotto who now seemed really tall to her as she stood slightly hidden behind him. They all looked at him with the same expression, adoration and respect.

That, until the blonde man Leo caught the sight of a small, dark haired girl at Giotto's side and raised an eyebrow in question as he spoke. "And who might this young lady be I may ask?"

His voice echoed in the silent reception and suddenly all eyes turned to her. Part of her wanted to just run behind Giotto to cower and hide but another part of her forced her body to stay where she was, her posture straight and faced everyone in the eyes.

"Well, well," came a voice from the line of murmuring men. "Giotto, did you screw a woman over too much and finally had a child we have never known about?"

Laughter erupted in the hall, soon joined by Leo and Giotto. "No, no, nothing of the sort rest assured." Giotto replied. "She is the reason I've been going in and out of the mansion these few months. I've tried hard and now I've finally tracked her down. Gentlemen, I'd like you all to meet Amethyst, currently twelve."

"Amethyst is the daughter of a dear friend that I've lost due to the accident Case 777." Amethyst heard gasps arise from almost everyone in the room. She felt puzzled, some were grimacing and others just looked at her in pity. Case 777?

Giotto waited for the room to quiet down before continuing. "From today onwards, she is an official member of the Xavier group. Please refrain from asking her too many questions as I am sure the experience can be quite traumatising. She also has been in comatose state for almost a year now so I would appreciate it if you all understand her circumstances."

There was something in his voice that bothered Amethyst slightly while Giotto explained things to his men yet somehow, she just couldn't place a finger on it. Deciding that it was just her overly cautious mind playing games, she decided to ignore it.

"Leo, meet me at my office later afterwards. Ai, come out. Please accompany Amethyst to her room and be nice, okay?"

As soon as Giotto said the name, a boy as tall as Amethyst came out and stood in front of her. The boy Ai, had slight Asian features and tousled red hair. He gave her a cheeky smile and nodded at Giotto. Giotto smiled at him then at Amethyst before turning and promptly left.

Ai took her hand carefully in his, her flinch not going unnoticed, deciding that it was best to be sensitive towards Amethyst. A small fear of her falling apart with the slightest touch crept into his mind. It was inevitable; she just looked so fragile, guarded, vulnerable.

He gave her a small smile and saw her face burn red, directing her eyes anywhere but at him.

He chuckled, the two words slipping out of his mouth before he even noticed. "You're cute."


*wiggles eyebrows* what did you think? hahahahha I know, Ai is too cuteeeeeeee.

An early update for you guys. I'm such a nice person right? *coughs*

Anyway, I hope you guys liked it and thank you for reading and still supporting me up till now. An Asian character in the story? Why not right?

Picture of Ai on the side :)

So see ya' 

(Edited 30.07.15)  Revised 13.02.16

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