Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

248 hours. 10 days and 8 hours in counting.

It was safe to say that word spread like wildfire in the mafia world. They didn't need the social media platform to let news of other families weakening be exposed to the underground world. It was as if they could feel it, in Amethyst's case, she could sense the wind changing direction, speed, the clouds of autumnal grey drastically changing to a menacing black.

Outside, the winds howled in delight, as if a beast had finally been released from the clutches of the heavens. Rain pelted down faster that anyone could blink, the freezing air quickly forming hail stones that fell against the bulletproof window glass and sounded like a warzone.

"What the fuck..." someone breathed right beside her ear, his hot breath fanning the sensitive spot and his body flush against hers as a result of the pushing and shoving from other people. She shivered, closing her eyes momentarily and wondering how someone could have such an effect towards her. "Amethyst," Ai asked in a low voice. For some reason, she was convinced he stood in close proximity on purpose. "What do you make of this?"

She could feel his chest rumble slightly, her heartbeat loud in her ears. "I don't know..." she breathed out shakily. She cursed herself, wondering where her ice cold demeanour had gone. She was well known for being able to be passive, keep her emotions in check. "Why around you I—"

"Hmm?" shit.

"What the hell is going on here?" A man yelled from within the crowd of bodies and sure enough, his voice sent the room in mass panic. People began speaking over each other, threats and insults, profanities flying in the air a million kilometres per second. She had to admit, she was grateful for the distraction.

The mass panic shook Amethyst out her daze. She steeled her nerves, pushed the ridiculous rage of hormones down and climbed onto the raised podium. "Enough! If I hear as much as a pin drop, I swear upon the Omertà, I will drag your sorry asses to my torture chamber, family or not!!"

Her voice boomed in the hall, suddenly all movements ceased, silence settling like a heavy blanket of a spell and wide eyes just stared at her indignant figure. She knew she had just threatened an entire body of dangerous men and women who had enough skills to probably kill her. Did she care? Not really.

"Gods, you're all as bad as vain teenagers. Leaders, please make your way to my office, Ai and Cameron shall guide you all there." She eyed them in the crowd, mouths set in thin lines and nodded at her command. She blew a small sigh, satisfied. With her coldest voice, she yelled once more, a threat so prominent that made everyone cower from her stare. "Xavier's, to the training rooms at once!"

She jumped off the podium, the crowd parting for her like the Red Sea. Once she left the room, she could hear the shuffling of feet, Ai's command for them to make their ways to their destinations immediately. She waited alone in the training room, a big hall just outside of the manor where all the Xavier men were trained, honing their skills as agents.

In five minutes, they assembled and lined up according to numbers and ranks, respective leaders standing up front and meeting her murderous gaze, trying hard not to flinch. 

"I expected more from all of you." She said soundly, her voice the only thing echoing off the walls as the men tensed under her glare. "What was that? You all behaved like immature children! Do you really think we should be showing our rivals our weakness, exposing ourselves just like that? Keep in mind the Mafia Leaders association is not a pact, nor is it a cooperating factor! They could easily murder us in our sleep!"

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