Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

She was running again. The never ending hall of darkness getting narrower, the smell of rotten flesh travelling up her nostrils and the only sound filling her ears was the beating of her own erratic heart.

There came a voice in the dark, repeating the same phrase over and over again words dripping with venomous allure. "There, there little missy. Where are you running off to again? Come on over here, we'll make you feel real nice."

She looked back, watching him tilt his head slowly from side to side as if assessing her as a specimen, assessing her to plan what he would do next.

'Why am I running away from him?' she thought to herself. The man was coaxing her ever so softly it was hard to believe he would hurt her. Even when she wanted to stop, there was a voice at the back of her head just screaming her to continue running, begging her to escape the darkness. Warm tears streamed down her face as she sobbed aloud, "I'm not strong enough! I'm sorry..."

'Hold on, who am I apologizing to?'

A flash of red filled her field of vision before everything turned black. And the darkness consumed her, leaving nothing but the last sound of her helpless plea.


"Oh my gods, we are supposed to be here so that we can work together to save our leaders! I cannot believe that you came here just to fight with me about---"

"No shut up you bitch, you and I both know you are more of a slut than I am. If you want to get into his pants so badly well---"

The sound of Evergreen's palm against Verna's face silenced the room full of people that were previously enjoying the catfight unveiling in front of them. They all started to inch away from the two girls leaving a wide clearing that posed as a spotlight underneath the chandeliers that hung over them.

The fireplace crackled in that moment of silence, Verna's hand placed over the pain on her cheek. Her golden eyes burned with silent rage, a storm brewing from within her and she tried her hardest to suppress it. Ai burst into the room followed by Kyle and Carrie. Scott and Cameron staying behind in the living room to go over the information that James had collected.

Ai only had enough time to open his mouth, barely able to utter a word, before Evergreen lunged, swiping Verna's face with her hand, another hand aiming for her neck.

She slammed her into the wall, a small crack appearing just behind Verna's head as she groaned in pain. The guys around them shouted, hurriedly moving towards separating the two girls. Ironically, they were only thrown backwards by the sheer violence of Evergreen's hiss and Verna's deathly stare which were the things that made them so popular amongst the mafia members.

Kyle almost laughed at the sight if it wasn't for Ai's pleading look to not make matters worse.

Evergreen's nails had given Verna a bleeding out shoulder, a tuft of blonde hair lying on the floor near them as a result of Verna's violent assault to resist, before Carrie moved forward, stepping over and on the guys that were sprawled across the marble floor. In one swift move, Carrie had both girls' arms behind their backs, their bodies forced onto the floor in a painful locking position.

"Stop this nonsense!" Carrie said to both of them. "We are here as civilized people not--- Would someone care to tell me what happened?!"

She was only greeted with silence, the two girls still screaming insults at each other and getting ready for a second round before Carrie rolled her eyes and applied more pressure than needed.

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