Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

She stared open mouthed in disbelief at what they had told her. For a moment, she recoiled, shutting herself off from everyone else at the reality of the situation. "This isn't possible..." she muttered despite herself. "This can't happen... it can't I—"

Darkness threatened to consume her.

"Amethyst would you open your fucking eyes and look at the situation!"

Amethyst jumped at the voice, reeling at her own exposed moment. She breathed in effort to calm herself. "Explain," she barked to no one in particular.

The people around her took one step back, leaving only Ai and Verna standing in the same line. If the situation wasn't so unbelievable, Amethyst would've laughed.

Ai cleared his throat. "You blanked, Ames."

She frowned. "But I don't remember—"

"Yes, that's because you fucking blanked," Verna growled. "I don't know what got over you or how you even managed to get to where you are today but we could've used some of your rumoured smartness back there."

"For the last time what the hell are you two talking about!" Amethyst was breathing heavily. Too suddenly, she felt lightheaded but she was determined to hide it. She planted her feet firmly into the ground and clenched her fists, allowing the pain of her fingernails digging into her own skin take over the momentary dizziness.

Ai noticed the way her face drained of colour, how her eyes weren't as bright as before, how her stance changed into something more guarded. He noticed every single detail about her, every out of place hair to speech change. This wasn't her. This wasn't the Amethyst he knew. This was someone else, something was definitely wrong.

He thought back to when they were at the airfield. From the moment they arrived to when they all boarded the jet. Nothing seemed out of place except when he left Amethyst to talk alone with the pilot.

The pilot

It should've all started there. He clenched his jaw, teeth grinding together. I should've noticed.

The moment they got in the jet, everyone had found their own seats. Complimentary champagne shoots were prepared and needless to say, everyone had their own glass to down just to settle the building nerves.

Ai however did not partake in the toast. He took a glass, raised it, then moved towards the back where Amethyst stood alone, hands crossed over her chest while she looked at everyone else with an unreadable expression.

"Are you scared?" Ai asked jokingly, bumping his shoulder with hers, pretending that they were once again teens.

She scoffed at his face, a ghost of a smile gracing her lips. "You'd wish. I'd like to see how long you'd last without getting shot."

He raised his eyebrow. "Is that a challenge, princess?"

She scrunched her face at the nickname. "Please, your flirting techniques seemed to have buffed out."

He laughed. "Being surrounded by guys everyday does that to you berry."


"Yes. I am the original badboy who dared to approach the ice princess." He wiggled his eyebrows. Amethyst gave him a sharp nudge, the heat making its way to her face.

She shook her head laughing, taking the champagne from his hand and downing it in one go.

"Go to sleep Ames," he said as he noticed the dark circles she had concealed under a layer of makeup, something she never bothered to do while he was still around her. What changed?

Amethyst rubbed her eyes, nodding at his idea. She found a secluded corner from the bunch. With a swift motion, she pulled Ai to sit beside her, letting her head fall against his shoulder, heavy eyelids drooping.

"Sleep," he whispered and she did.

The biggest mess he ever caused started the moment he picked up the glass of champagne.

Why didn't I just leave it?

= H E L L O =

I almost didn't upload today. 

I've been having a really bad migraine for the past two weeks and painkillers help for like 4 hours until it starts up again. I don't know if i should go see a doctor or just leave it BUT I pushed a chapter out of me and HERE IT IS TADAAAA

I hope you guys liked it. Sorry if it's crappy or if there's something grammatically incorrect. I'll go back to this chapter when I feel a little better.

As per usual, LET ME KNOW YOU EXIST 


Love, Audrey

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