Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

170 hours. 7 days 2 hours and 57 minutes in counting.

Her vision started blurring two hours ago. Her legs already starting to become too weak to support her body weight which seemed impossible because Amethyst had gone through missions which required her to stay awake and on guard for more than three days.

'It must be because of the coma,' she told herself as she stared at her own reflection in the mirror, hands gripping the edges of the sink in attempt to steady herself. Haunted eyes, sunken cheeks and dark eye bags greeted her sight. She couldn't recognize herself. "I became weaker just because of sleep deprivation." She laughed at herself, disbelief bubbling from her chest to the tip of her fingers.

She screamed, throwing a punch at the mirror with enough force to shatter it. Her image became distorted, the throbbing pain in her knuckles barely affecting her but it woke her up. She straightened herself and splashed some water on her face and neck before heading back into the lab.

They had gone through the CCTV only to find that the tapes had been tampered with. She had also found several of her men lying unconscious at the mouth of the exit of one of the Xavier's underground tunnels. Needless to say the men were properly punished for their failure and carelessness.

Amethyst also spent 3 days trying to find the origins of the material sent to them. Three days with people in lab coats who were apparently at the top of their field working non-stop and finally, finally the results came back positive.

She gave them all a nod of acknowledgement and muttered her thanks before scooping the file that contained their research with her uninjured hand. She walked out of her lab, Kyle walking falling in step with her soundlessly as if he were a cat.

"Your hand is bleeding." He exclaimed blankly.

She was too tired to give a response. Instead, she gave a small grunt.

They made their way to the meeting room, an aura of frustration and worry easily detected by the people bickering in loud voices in the room. Amethyst couldn't blame them, they were running out of time.

"Why the hell are the lab results so slow anyway?" she heard someone yell, making her ears prick. "That girl is working with top professionals and yet its been 3 days, Ai. How much longer do we have to wait?"

"Evergreen," came Ai's controlled voice. "I think you'd better watch what you say. Before you regret it."

Evergreen scoffed, throwing her hands up in the air. "For all we know that bitch could be screwing one of the scholars there in her room anyway! She wasn't present when we first arrived. For all I know, she could be working with the perpetrators!"


Before Ai had a chance to finish, a knife came flying into the room landing just beside Evergreen's ear. A thin red line appeared on her cheek and at the same time, all eyes turned to the outstretched hand that came from the doorway. Amethyst smiled, "As Ai had advised, you better learn to keep your big mouth shut, Notem, because next time, I won't miss."

Evergreen gulped visibly before nodding.

Amethyst then threw the file onto the table, its contents spilling out. Like vultures, they all fought over the documents and analysed it like there was no tomorrow.

"This doesn't make sense. Are you sure this is where the samples lead?" Erick asked, voicing the thoughts of everyone in the room.

Ai frowned as well, a small line of sweat trickling down from his forehead to the edge of his jaw line. "Ames, is this true? Is this where they're keeping the leaders?"

Amethyst nodded grimly and Kyle gave a low whistle. "Guess we're going to Japan then."

170 hours, 7 days 1 hour 10 minutes in counting.


*awkward laughs* hi there. So i'm back since February. If you don't follow me then you wouldn't know that I am facing probably one of the most important exams of my life on November and I wont be updating as often.

BUT I now have a computer in my room. I am trying very hard to study and I wont make any promises, but i really want to finish this book. Updates are going to be VERY slow but they'll be gradual. 

I'm TRYING so bear with me my loveliess. 



- Updated 02.06.2016-

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