Chapter 12 |Part 2|

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 |Part 2|

Before Cameron could throw another punch, Kyle and Scott were already beside him holding back his arms. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Cameron shouted in fury. "What did you just do to her? Answer me you bastard!"

Ai only blinked at him, waiting as realization dawned onto his face that the only noise that was filling the room now was Cameron's voice.

He turned, sliding his arms beneath the peaceful figure of Amethyst curled up on the floor, her expression calm, almost as if everything that was happening just a moment ago never occurred and the only thing remaining was the after-effects of a plain nightmare.

He turned his attention towards the screen of her phone, the glass though cracked showed the words in bold that sent a wave of nausea in his way.

He felt was a sort of emptiness in the pit of his gut, the premonition of a storm churning right at the very middle of that black hole.

"Ricky, I want you to call every single available member of the Xavier's that are away on mission to come back ASAP. Next, inform Alex and tell him to find out the names of the passengers on flight 258 to Japan just two days ago and immediately send the list of names to my room in two hours. Cameron, rally the guys and tell them to go to their rooms. No one is to come out until tomorrow morning. Also, please call James and tell him to make his way here as soon as he possibly can."

His voice was commanding, almost foreign to his own ears. "Kyle,"

Kyle flinched slightly and then Ai knew that he also caught wind of the news. "I apologize for the disturbance you and your members witnessed tonight. Please, I hope you would forget this night and never to mention it to anyone outside this room ever again."

"You're kidding me?" Carrie voiced in disbelief. "After all that commotion all you can do is focusing your attention to a stupid flight? Who are you to command us? We're not even part of your group let alone let you take charge of the—"

"Carrie." Said Scott in a hard voice and immediately, she held her tongue, biting her lower lip. "Ai, what was that just now? Why was Amethyst behaving in such a manner? Who's James? Please, we as your guests deserve to know at least that much."

Ai sighed imagining how furious Amethyst would be if she woke up and knew that he had told someone outside of the family her condition. He paused, choosing over what was safe to reveal before speaking.

"That was Ames' version of a panic attack. Her doctor, James, is also a member of the Xavier group's family and was personally hired by Ames herself."

"It's a side effect of when she was involved in Case 777," Cameron stated boldly, shaking off the restraining arms of Kyle and Scott.

Ai took in their shocked expressions and in Kyle's case; he could detect something more that just surprise. There was a small spark of fear in his eyes that lit and faded so quickly Ai was almost convinced it was his own imagination.

Scott frowned at Cameron's statement. "You mean she's a survivor of that accident? I thought there were no survivors at all. It was confirmed that all 898 bodies of that incident was confirmed even thought they were burnt to the point beyond recognition."

Ai tensed, suddenly wary of how much information Scott had revealed at that single moment of time. He locked eyes with Cameron and a wordless understanding seemed to pass between them. It was never revealed how many people had died on that train, how many people who were trapped in the warehouse and never coming out, how their fate was decided was never even discovered, the fire was only caused from the unusual forest fire that happened the same morning on July 7.

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