Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Nothing hurt more than seeing her family members tortured right in front of her. For the sake of information, that sickened organization brought her to a separate room away from all the other children and sat her down in a chair, a magnificent feast spread before her frail and hungry self. She, however, could not partake in that feast for her hands were tied behind her and she was secured to the chair unable to move. On the other side of the table, her family members would be there chained against the wall all bloody and bruised.

She would be forced to sit there and watch as the men in white sliced and kicked and punched and ripped at the bodies of her mangled family. They were already half dead, some dying sooner than others yet the same number of bodies hung on that wall. The only thing that changed everyday was the screams, pleads and the number of people left alive.

More than often the watching would be too torturous for her to bear and she would always be tempted to tell the enemy everything they wanted to know, the dark secret that the Greene family carried however, her family members would shout at her, telling her not to oblige to the enemy's wishes no matter many of them died.

So there she would be in the mornings. When evening came they would drag her off to the 'doctor's' room where she would be personally interrogated, cut up then sewn back together again. Eventually as the days passed by, the numbers of people left alive dwindled and she believed she was the last one standing, the men in masks began conducting experiments on her body instead. Injecting strange coloured liquids and inserting queer metals inside of her.

No it didn't hurt. By then she was already numb to physical pain.

Amethyst had already turned into a cold and empty shell, never speaking, seldom eating, her pain tolerance already beyond human capabilities as all those dissections and injections had numbed her whole being. The men had grown impatient, some muttering at night when they thought she was sound asleep saying that the bosses were furious with their progress. One particular day, the day she had felt void of all humane sadness was when her parents were dragged into her resting room.

Her parents were barely holding onto their consciousness when they saw their daughter yet the unmistakable pride and anger was burning brightly in their eyes at the sight of the scars and bruises.

To Amethyst, her parents were the ideal warriors that she had always loved in the stories that she read from the books on the shelves. The pure embodiment of their anger had given her strength.

"Are you going to tell us what you know, little brat, or do you want to see your own parents slaughtered right before you?" one man said to her, a machete gripped tightly in his un-gloved hands, shaking as if he was scared.

With an unsteady breath, she heard her father Kyle speak in a way that sent chills down her spine. "If you kill us, your bosses would destroy this whole organization and you know that too don't you?"

The man holding the machete stuttered. "S-shut up! We can do as we please and if that means k-killing you to get t-the information then we'll gladly do it!"

Her mother Aurora chuckled, that which earned a kick from the lady in the lab coat that was standing near her cell door.

"That's enough teasing them Aurora," said Kyle laughing, ignoring the gun that was pointed at his head. He then turned towards Amethyst with a warm smile and glinting eyes. He then spoke in the 'secret language' her father taught her when they were still riding in the train before they were hijacked. "You've been so strong my child... there's nothing to worry now. They won't kill you and soon a hero would come to save you so you just need to be strong for a few more hours okay?"

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