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There was a scream. A crash.

The sound of windows breaking and the trinkling of shattered glass slowly falling onto the road in the rain filled her ears. Everything around her was dark, grey, wet.

She stared at the tips of her bloodied fingers and breathed slowly, with each breath she took the burning sensation in her lungs intensified. The beat of her erratic heart resounding loudly in her ears, almost deafeningly and she could feel it slowing down. Men in matching blue and red uniforms moved around her in lightning speed, time seeming to slow down only for her. She couldn't hear what the people around her were saying, what she saw were mouths moving with no audible words uttered reaching her ears. The pain got to the point where it was just too much to bear.

She was exhausted.

In the back of her mind, she could picture him, the face of which she had trusted so much since day one twisted in an expression that brought could bring shame to the devil's name. He sneered at her broken body on the ground. "You can't escape me. I mean, look at what happened to your precious little family. And that boy, what was his name again?"

She could see light. One so bright it almost blinded her.

'Am I dead?' her own voice echoed in her head as her eyes slowly fluttered close, enwrapping herself in the warm light.

'I wish I was.'

*Edited (Revised) 13.02.16*

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