Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Is she.... okay?" Scott whispered to Cameron as they both stood in front of the amassing crowd of Europe's future mafia leaders, the Xavier family mingling along with impassive faces. Even with her back turned towards them, gunshots being fired in timed repetitiveness, she could still hear their whispers and feel their stares— it was always either confusion, relief, protectiveness or fear in her case.

"Ai," voiced Vern all too suddenly and all too loudly, causing everyone to turn their attention to him. She could picture Vern in her head, although they have not seen each other for a while, she remembered how he liked wearing long sleeved button ups preferably in black or white, his brownish hair tousled and messy and eyes shining.

He wasn't her lover, but Amethyst could tell that he wanted to be. That was probably one of the only reasons why his twin sister had not tried to murder her yet even though most of her hatred came from the fact that Ai never cared or showed affection for any other girl besides Amethyst.

She zoned out, gun still firing impossibly at same spot on the bark of a dying tree, the continuous assault of the bullets making indentations on it. She breathed, letting her thoughts cloud her fear and anger. She could feel the pre-winter chill seeping through her skin and into her bones. Granted, she wasn't wearing much to cover up either.

No weakness

Her parents words came into her head once more and she felt tears brim her eyes the same moment the she used up all the ammunition in Ai's gun. She cursed, dropping the gun, the adrenaline already rushing out and she finally, finally felt the cold. She felt numb at the tips of her fingers, her breath heavy, coming out in white puffs. She embraced that feeling, closed her eyes and tilted her head to the sky. This pain, this cold, it felt too familiar.

'Where have I felt this cold before?'

A memory tugged at the back of her mind, an image hazy, her surroundings dark but arms tugged at hers from both sides. Two dirty faced children, a little older than she remembered, were frowning at the trees in front of them. They were running in bare clothing with no light to guide them. She remembered tripping, tasting blood in her mouth before another gunshot sounded, the girl grunting in pain and she clutched her arm, a light shining onto them then—

The memory disappeared. She gritted her teeth in frustration, opening her eyes and saw the awed faces of the crowd she managed to attract and immediately, they turned away from her gaze as if she would kill them if they dared to see themselves as her equal. She couldn't blame them, her reputation had let her be known as an intelligent, cold hearted murderer.

She remembered the time when she was fifteen, her first mission given by Giotto was to completely abolish the Xavier's drug dealings. With some families, it was an easy job since they lived under the constant fear of Giotto. Others however, had different ideas. They had intended to kidnap her, the only princess of the Xavier family— how horrible had that turned out. She remembered her sensitivity towards kidnapping and torture when she was first introduced to what exactly the 'family business' was. Her despise towards those courses of action acted as the catalyst to her fascination to chemistry and developing drugs and serums only for the use of the family so that torturing was elevated to an action only when said prisoner refused to cooperate with her developed drugs.

"Everyone, please, our chef's have prepared the most exquisite breakfast to celebrate winter's awnings. Please make your way to the dining hall after you've all gotten ready."

Amethyst turned her gaze towards Ai, his heavy coat already draped around her exposed body and bringing immediate warmth, his scent enveloping her entire being sending her into a serene abyss. She studied him, the way he carried himself with a confidence she had not noticed before since his arrival back to London, the way his voice is not too loud nor commanding but firm enough to tell that he meant business. He had dark shadows under his eyes, demons dancing in his pupils but that same fire still coming to life inside of him.

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