Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The creak of the dining room doors opening was the only thing that Cameron could hear. He let out a breath of relief, watching everyone in the room turn their eyes towards the figures that were walking into the room. Carrie had walked over to her seat beside Kyle in an instant, leaving a wide berth of the spotlight for Ai.

He watched him run his hand through his lush of red hair, the deep maroon coloured button up shirt that he wore hugged his toned body in all the right places. He had a small smile on his face indicating that he had previously been laughing before he entered the room.

He almost gagged at the reactions from everyone in the room, their eyes fill with longing and their mouths drop onto the floor in awe. Some had envy in their eyes and frankly, Cameron couldn't blame them for feeling such feelings. Ai was well known for his recent achievements in France and Italy along with his close connections to the Williams next heir. He's earned the respects and trust of almost all the family's in Europe including the smaller ones. Combined with his natural charisma, agility, talent in combat and his intelligence he was an almost perfect human being. Give or take his slight Asian features that make him kind of hot in Cameron's eyes.

Ai cleared his throat, an unnecessary action to call for everyone's attention in which he already had. His voice being an octave lower than usual rang loud and clear in the room, the slight coldness detected sending shivers down Cameron's spine. "So I guess I'll start by saying hello." He paused and looked around the room, meeting everyone's gaze steadily. If he was nervous speaking in front of so many heirs and heiresses to the mafia family he didn't show it. "I know that a lot of us do have some unresolved personal issues with each other," he said stressing on the word unresolved.

"However, please keep in mind that we the Xavier family have gathered you all here today in context to the disappearances of our beloved leaders. I pray that everyone here set aside their differences but I know that is never possible amongst people like us so," Ai looked at them one by one, assessing what they would do and how they would react. Truce was extremely necessary for an alliance. Without trust, he might as well be killing off the kidnapped leaders and jeopardize the alliance amongst Europe's most powerful family's. "As per tradition of the Xavier family, we settle our differences with a game."

Murmurs of uncertainty erupted in the hall the very moment Ai had finished talking. They watched him beckon to Maria who looked fairly young for a woman her age. With black hair tied up in a neat braid that ended just below her breasts, ivory skin and heart-shaped lips along with her black and white maid uniform, she was the exact replica of a woman from the Victorian era.

Maria nodded at Ai's gesture and talked into an earpiece hidden on the collar of her uniform. Immediately, a small door placed at the other end of the dining hall swung open. Maids lined up at one side of the table with silver trays filled with food carried in their hands. The aroma that floated around the hall made all the guests' mouths water.

Following behind the maids was the head butler Royce Sebastian, hair slicked back and his suit impeccably perfect. He gave Ai a smile as he nodded, pouring Ai a glass of champagne. With a click of Royce's fingers, the maids moved quickly and placed the food onto the dining table in synchronized movement. The maids then retreated back to the door they came from leaving Royce at the end of the table. He gave a bow before retreating and closing the door silently.

"Please," Cameron said to everyone, plucking them from their trance of awe. "I do hope everyone enjoys the food."

"Now that is what I call an exaggerated show. You Xavier's have outdone yourselves once again." Heads turned to face Erick, his blue eyes shining and blonde hair falling onto his forehead, representative of the Augustus family that ran more than half of Russia's underground business and quite popular in male's fashion magazine.

"Must you always show off your flourish every time we come to visit?" This time it was Vern, twin brother of Verna and representative of the Rochelle family based in Germany.

"Now now," said Chris Suero from Spain in his low throaty voice, "Let's not bully the young master of the Xavier's."

Ai chuckled lowly and lifted his champagne to Chris who smiled and did the same with his wine, "Well, we give only the best service to our guests."

Cameron sunk into his seat in relief, the mood in the hall already improving than when Ai wasn't present. And yet he still frowned, replaying Ai's words in his head. "As per tradition of the Xavier family, we settle our differences with a game."

Then it hit him, the sudden realisation and fear that suddenly crept into his wary conscience.

What game?


Hey guys, I know I haven't updated much in a long while and yes I know with the changes in my writing style some of you are confused but i promise I'll edit the front chapters so that they are in third person view as well.

but aside from all that I would still like to say THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH for all the votes and random follows. I hope everyone has been enjoying the story so far and I really hope you guys continue to support MMLS in the near future

Love you guys byeeee

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