Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Her phone threatened to slip out of her sweaty hands as the line was suddenly cut. A pit started to form in her stomach, trying to figure out what the call was about.

She could not get the voice out of her head, the layered over crispiness of bass and tenor, the hissing sound in the background, the odd feeling of being exposed of her secrets.

The sound of a girl, screaming in pain in the background.

"Amethyst!" a voice came from behind her and making her jump. Her shoulders visibly relaxed as she was greeted with the sight of Ai's smiling face. "Amethyst the main course has already started. Come on, Leo's getting ticked off from the fact that you're not—"

He stopped himself as he saw the expression on her face and moved in closer, shortening the distance between their bodies and tucked a stray hair behind her ear placing his palm to her cold cheeks. She took a deep breath and leaned into his touch, his eyes asking her if she was alright and she only nodded in response.

She missed him, she missed the thought of him always being beside her ever since the day he left for France. They grew up together and for some reason he was always the one who was able to calm her down and bring her back from the fiery hell that burned in her heart. He made her feel human more than anyone else could. It was an emotion she never felt before and that confused her.

They stood there for a long time, unaware of the eyes that watched them behind a pillar and only snapped out of their trance when a crisp wind blew making her shiver.

Funny, she never thought the cold could affect her.

Ai shook his jacket off and placed it on her which she had profusely denied but gave in to his persuasions. "What happened to you? Did France make you realize how much you actually like me?" Amethyst said jokingly as they made their way back to the dining hall but oddly enough, Ai didn't answer her. Instead he stopped her when they were halfway to the hall and held her gaze.

"I've known you for years Ames. Tell me, what happened and who was that on the other line of the phone?"

She shrugged and handed him back his jacket. "It's nothing, I'm fine. I'll take care of it myself. Go back to the hall," she nudged at him. "They're probably missing your handsome face."

He let out a deep chuckle and nudged her back. "My years of absence have made you go soft Amethyst. Did you really miss me that much?"

She pushed him away and masked her uneasiness with a laugh. "Go!"

Ai returned that laugh and opened the door to the dining hall, the air filling with the flow of conversation before the doors closed and once again she was greeted with silence. Just before the door closed and his back disappearing from her sight, the wind blew again whipping her hair around her as she whispered the words.



She didn't return to the dining hall, the fact that Leo was going to give her an earful later in the evening pushed away from her mind as she focused her attention to the situation at hand.

She sat at the end of her bed, her first handgun which she received on her sixteenth birthday spinning in her hands and she pondered on the phone call once more.

"The hart bringer of death is coming near, a warning shall trigger the memories that disappeared. She shall drown in the river of blood, and he shall bathe in its gory return..."

"This is ridiculous!" she groaned in frustration, tossing the gun against the wall and sent it clattering soundlessly on the carpeted floor. "Damn it what am I supposed to do?"

She kept asking herself that question, her eyes darting back and forth from the clock to the floor and she counted down the seconds in her heart, listening to the chimes that came every fifteen minutes.

An hour later, the sun started to disappear behind heavy grey clouds. The boom of thunder came and shook the manor and lightening flashed not far in the distance. The tang of metal fluttered up her nostrils.

A bark came from behind her and she turned with a smile on her face. Cyril, her purebred German Shepherd, sat tall, tail thumping softly on the floor as he gave her a whine as if asking her what was wrong.

The dog approached her, licking her ankles and knees as she closed her eyes and released a long breath. Her shoulders slumped down, the stress slowly disappearing. Cyril whined once more and Amethyst knelt down, scratching the dog behind the ears absentmindedly as she watched the rain drops pelting down heavily, soaking her balcony.

"You're right... the call was probably nothing..."

A/N: Picture of a German Shepherd on the side ^^

For those who don't follow me, My Mafia Love Story ranked #91 in Mystery/Thriller and OMG how awesome is that?!?!

It probably seems like nothing to some of you but considering its the first ranking I've ever gotten in my first book, IT"S AMAZING

Again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Please Comment, Fan and Vote. Hope you lovelies enjoyed it haha

G'bye then mate~

[Edited 03.01.2016] Revised 18.02.2016

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