Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The jet was ready to take off once they all arrived at the Xavier's private airfield. Ai and the rest of the leaders of the alliance were briefing the members of their own family. Amethyst had warned them of the danger, she also advised them to pick only a handful of their most trusted men or women and leave half of their trusted to take charge and monitor their family in their own areas.

Despite his protests, Amethyst and Ai both agreed to leave Cameron behind to keep guard and serve as their main communication and intelligence centre along with Verna, Erick and Scott.

Before they left the mansion, the Xavier members all had one last meeting privately. Ai and Amethyst promising to do whatever they could to bring Leo and Giotto home. "They are like our fathers," said Ricky loudly, the pride and respect in his voice prominent. "Without them and their guidance, we would not be standing here today, alive. Please, save them. For us, for the family,"

"For the family!" the others chorused.

"Great morning for a flight, don't yer think so missy?" the pilot chimed in and jolting her from her thoughts. She blinked, quietly staring at the man who was slightly shorter than she was, a fully grown beard and wild eyes that seemed to dart everywhere as if he were scared of meeting her own eyes.

"It's gon' be a long ride... you know I once flown a plane straight down to the sea and waited until some other people came to rescue us and ere people on the plane and-"

She tuned him out, nodding slightly at every end of his sentence until it was time to board.

She had chosen a seat at the very back, away from everyone else, and let her eyes fall for a moment, trying to let her mind digest all the information she had to pass down to the others. She couldn't really think straight, the slight hum of the engines and the sound of the air conditioning above her distracted her from her thoughts.

Sleep. A voice deep within her spoke.

She could hear waves crashing now, the hum of the engine already faded in the background. She could see it in her mind, the water crashing and pulling and folding with great force, as if it was trying to keep something from resurfacing.


Above her was clouds, the morning sun only barely kissing the surface. Everything else was dark and cold. Very, very cold.


'Why am I in the ocean?' she asked herself.

The cold was seeping into her bones now, her limbs already feeling weak. 'How long have I been here?'

She was tempted to let go, to ease away so that her muscles would cease burning. It was harder to breathe now. Her lungs felt like they were being constricted, pushed down and into her body like a too tight corset.

Suddenly her morning conversation came back to her; "It's gon' be a long ride... you know I once flown a plane straight down into the sea and waited until some other people came to rescue us and ere people on the plane and-"

'Straight down into the sea...'

Realization hit her hard. So hard it took a while for her to notice that her body was being slammed against something hard and metallic. The sound of her body against it by sheer force of the waves made an echo travelling down into the ocean water.

'Wake up.' She told herself. She had to warn them. They had to get off the plane.

'Wake up!' this couldn't be happening. She needed to get to them. She needed to warn them. She needed to get up and tell them that—

"Wake up!"

Shock ran through her body, the cold water splashed onto her made her shiver. Her eyesight was blurry, limited to only the sight of her too pale fingers tinged blue with the cold.

She wasn't on the plane, the concrete floor she was sitting on proved that. It was dark, dim to her eyes until a spark of grey appeared and her mind just desperately reaching towards it.

She blinked.

She blinked again.

"Where am I?" she voiced, her throat coarse and sore and thirsty.

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