Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

She woke up with a strange sort of feeling churning in her stomach.

Amethyst didn't really know what to feel. The sight of the white walls, too green trees and clean white sheets had caused a sense of familiarity to her after months of being cooped up in the hospital and undergoing intensive therapy.

She was a living miracle, they had told her. The day she finally took one step out of her room without a handicap had sent a wave of good news in the medical industry and suddenly, she was too famous, too fast.

News had travelled about her release and, outside the hospital building, reporters filled the main walkway with their cameras in hand and hungry minds, desperate for a glimpse of the medical miracle, a product from the famous Dr James X. Smith.

Giotto made her travel down to the basement and exited through a hatch she was sure the hospital wasn't aware of. Burly guys dressed in too tight suits with dark sunglasses escorted her, protecting her small body from view of anyone during their descent and that made the whole journey a whole lot easier.

Giotto had brought her a dress coloured the same as his autumnal hair in which she had readily changed into. When the paper works with the hospital and social services were finalised, they were ready to leave.

When the time came for them to drive away, Amethyst couldn't help the single tear that slipped down when she hugged Dr James goodbye, thanking him and telling him that she would remember him in the future.

In response, he gave her a suggestive wink and stalked off, hips swaying.

"Are you ready?" Giotto asked her as the sleek black BMW exited the basement, her vision suddenly flooded with bright afternoon light.

Along the car ride to what Giotto called the main house, Amethyst kept her gaze fixed outside the windows, taking in the view as the bustling city that slowly thinned out into thick, lush forests with the sun shining through the leaves.

Giotto smiled contentedly at the expression on Amethyst's face. He didn't want to ruin the momentary sense of peace she was feeling but since she had agreed to join a mafia family, peace can never be an option in her life, not anymore.

"Amethyst," He said her name softly, savouring how familiar it felt on his lips. How many years have passed since he had said her name properly?

She turned towards him slowly, her eyes darkening with doubt as her gaze set onto him which he failed to notice.

"I have to tell you something," Giotto started, uncertainty clear on his face.

At that moment, a memory flashed through her mind.

She was in the tram, the world passing by them like a fog, sweat coming out of her like fountains because of the humidity of the entire compartment. Nobody spoke, nobody made eye contact with each other.

Nobody dared to lay their eyes on the ugliness they had spread like a plague, physically and mentally.

She could hear the groan of metal, the sound of a ticking time bomb counting away the minutes to her last breath. Her body was frozen in cold, utter terror.

'This is it,' she thought 'they are finally going to kill us.'

The train shook violently, a loud explosion damaging her eardrums and shaking the whole train violently, sending the children crashing violently against the walls.

And then they were flying.

She heard a crack, the sound of something being broken as she landed on the gravel that tore her exposed skin. She frowned at the sight of her misshapen legs, 'Are they supposed to bend like that?'

Metallic parts rained down with fire. There was a sure 'Crack!' echoing in the air as something landed right onto her legs.

She whimpered, "Please," she begged as more parts rained down around her, some strangely resembling human beings. "Please, just kill me already..."

A painful strike, right down her right leg daunted her as her mind flew back into reality, her breathing shallow as she listened to what Giotto was slowly revealing to her. Her fists which lay on her thighs were clenched white and shaking. She kept a cold gaze, fury burned from deep within her and Giotto thought to himself how much the way she showed her anger was the same as her mother.

Silence set around them and Giotto started to regret the fact that he told her this. Suddenly, a laugh erupted from Amethyst. On that was in disgust and raw amusement. The expression on her face honestly had the hairs on the back of his neck stand.

"Screw them." He heard her mutter under her breath, a rush of adrenaline sending her into a high she had never experienced before.

A laugh erupted from her, for some reason she didn't feel sad. The fear in her gut was soon replaced by restlessness, trembling hands itching for something to damage.

She was on a dangerous high and she knew she needed to draw the line before she did something reckless.

For a fraction of a second, her mind contemplated on the memory came back to her in a blur but that thought was quickly dismissed, gone as if it never happened.

She sneered and wiped a teardrop from her eye as a result of too much laughing and looked at Giotto straight in the eyes. "Let them believe the Greene's are dead." She said slowly, a cruel plan already forming in her mind. She needed to kill them, pull them apart and make them what they had inflicted upon her.

She needed time—and proper training.

With that thought, she made a resolve. "From now on, my name is Amethyst Xavier."

A/N : Picture of James on the side~ 

(Edited 30.07.15)  Revised 13.02.16

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