Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The boom of a microphone pierced the silence that had settled between them. Amethyst tried hard to keep her tears at bay, her mind still unable to register the information Ai had just given her.

Her body shook, a reaction she never expected to see again, not since the first time she held a gun to the head of the man responsible for the biggest slave trade in Europe. She hadn't felt the disgusting crawl of her emotions since the first time Giotto barked for her to pull the trigger, blood splattering her tattered party dress.

She hated herself for it.

How was she so stupid to not notice the signs earlier? How careless had she been to let her guard down just because they finally had the lead to where their leaders were being kept?

How careless was she to have let her emotions run her mind and making decisions.


She called herself that term, imagining a chest closing inside her heart, padlock upon padlock and chains keeping the contents of that chest from ever surfacing again.

Who needs emotions?

The face of her late family, the Greene's, flashed momentarily in her mind before she sliced through the torture.

Who needs emotion?

The times she spent with the men of Xavier gave a sharp stab to her gut. She felt guilty, remembering the noble words Ricky had said just before they set off on the rescue mission. 'Make us proud,' those words echoed like a haunted hallway in her disheveled mind.

I don't need emotions

Ai's smiling face came like a sparking flame in her heart, burning through the walls she had tried so desperately to protect. Just a whisper of his name sent jolts of electricity through her and yet, she didn't know why she felt that way.

Why did she feel guilty? Why does the pain inside her heart keep coming even when she was sure her chest of emotions will never interfere with her life again?


"Ladies and gents!" the voice cut through her thoughts, lighting something predator-like in her body. The man spoke like a ringmaster from the circus, his intonation almost making it seem like they were the animals and the show would soon begin.

How ironic was it to think that her thoughts were right.

"I welcome you to Aokigahara, the Silent Forest. Welcome one and welcome all to what must be the most spectacular show in the world!"

The man paused, as if waiting for applause. When his 'crowd' gave no response, he cleared his throat and continued. "Today, we have the heirs and agents from the most powerful families in Europe! Oh, what thrilling surprises await them on this beautiful night!"

"Screw yourself!" someone from the group yelled, her voice raw and in tears. Verna who always held herself high and proud looked so tired, so vulnerable.

The announcer made a 'tsk tsk' sound, letting out a laugh that made it clear; he didn't care what we thought.

"Today, our contestants are going to play through a series of games and riddles in order to survive and save the untainted. We certainly have more promising candidates today. Will they survive and achieve the ultimate goal, or will they fail and die, burning to death like the rest of them?"

The hairs on Amethyst's back stood, indescribable anger bubbling within her. There were others.

"Now then, ladies and gents, shall we begin?"

The last thing they heard was his laugh before a continuous series of howling rang in the dead silence.

A/N: Surprise? :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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