Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

She stopped screaming.

She stopped breathing.

At that moment, all of time seemed to stop for Ai when he felt her last breath of air leave her body. He gasped, clutching tightly on her cold, unmoving hand. The wind blew through the cracks of the windows, the curtains slightly separating and the moonlight coming in through the cracks and a silver of it already reaching for her face.

She was—is beautiful. Her clear, ivory skin sparkling under the light, her eyelashes tossing shadows onto her cheekbones and her lips although pale, had a tint of pink. With no breath leaving her body, her beauty was unmoving and undisturbed. It had been a second, just a second and he felt the life just seep through the holes of his heart.

He went back twenty years of his life. His mother stood above him, face contorted in agony as his father continued to whip her again and again and again even though she was already dead. Even through her death, Ai felt no compassion for his mother. Deep down he just prayed that his father would never notice Ai's presence.

Of course, freedom was a short lived dream to him.

His father's eyes burned red, flashing in the dark room as he moved away from his mother's limp body. With the whip curled tightly in his hand he made his way towards Ai and raised it above his head—

Amethyst wheezed and cough, her body entering a series of spasms. Her screams so loud it shook Ai out of his momentary flashback with a gasp. Her body arched away from the mattress and she opened her eyes and finally escaping from her nightmares, away from her pain, away from the voices that screamed at her in her dreams.

On impulse, Ai had pulled Amethyst into his arms, her body moulding perfectly into his and felt her breathe in his scent. At that moment the door burst open with Cameron running in, followed by Kyle whose rooms were the closest to Amethyst's as though her soundproof walls were nothing. They didn't realize her body wracking in her own sobs until the silence of the night settled in and they heard nothing but her voice in the room. Her voice, small and unsteady which kept saying "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." over and over again.

Cameron and Kyle could only stand there and watch as Ai whispered sweet nothings into her ears and combed his fingers through her hair and pressing her forehead to his. It was so intimate and closed off from the world they felt uncomfortable, shifting their weight left to right until they decided to turn their backs and give them a moment of privacy.

"You're okay Amy baby... you're okay now..."

"Ai?" she suddenly croaked, tilting her head back and meeting his eyes. He watched the speckles of amber dancing in the depths of her green eyes like sunshine smiling down on dewy grass but again, he could barely sense the life in her. She always had one foot in the present, one foot stuck in whatever horrible nightmare lived as her memories. Now even after the coma, nothing had changed.

"Oh my god..." she gasped and shook even more, tears streaming down her face. "I killed them Ai. It was all my fault!"

He froze momentarily, her fifteen year old self appearing before his eyes, the first time she ever killed anyone but then that image disappeared as she continued, "If I hadn't been so weak... If only I had been stronger I could've saved them!"

"Save who Amethyst?" he asked carefully.

"My family..." she trailed off as she continued to sob in his arms. He didn't notice the sunlight streaming through the curtains indicating that morning had come. He had held Amethyst in his arms for almost a whole night crying and not even sleeping. It was the first time he had seen her cry this much. Since day one that she entered the Xavier family she never showed weakness. She always had this look in her eyes that seemed like she was trying to prove something. Then again he had that same look as well when Giotto first found him bloody and broken under the remains of his burned down home when he was only six years old.

He heard footsteps outside the door, a lot of pacing and a lot of voices in hushed whispers that went on for a long time until Amethyst peeled herself off from Ai's body, walked towards the door and opened it revealing the few curious faces of Kyle, Cameron and James. They stared at her in shock but she neither acknowledged them nor pay heed to the questions James bombarded the moment she appeared. Instead, she pushed through the wall of warm bodies, her face already cold and impassive and walked away leaving them to stare at her retreating figure.

Ai sat frozen, wondering to himself where she could be going.

He didn't realize his gun was missing from his holster until the whole garden echoed with gunshots, waking the entire household.  


Well hi there *laughs awkwardly* 

yeah i failed to keep my update promise I'm sorry but I still hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Loves, Audrey

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