Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

She was sure she had never seen a face as terrifying, yet still looks like a million dollars worth of sex on legs, as Kyle until the moment came where he recovered from his daze and set his eyes on Amethyst's victorious smirk. With expression as dark as thunder, he pushed his body off the floor that he was currently sprawled at, giving a show of constricting muscles and a beautifully sculpted torso.

"What the hell was that for puttana? Vuoi che ti uccida?" he growled threateningly. Scott and Carrie, who had ran towards him the moment he hit the floor with intentions to help, stopped dead in their tracks, faces white as sheet, their eyes darting back and forth from Amethyst and Kyle.

Ai and Cameron instantly put a protective arm in front of Amethyst, restricting her intentions to just run ahead and smash Kyle's poor skull into his neck. The two guys watched Kyle warily, sensing the danger and truth in his words.

Looking at the scene in front of her, it almost made her burst out laughing but the warning look that Ai gave stopped her from doing anything.... inappropriate. Instead, she straightened herself and looked dead into Kyle's murderous eyes, pushing away the protective hands placed in front of her as she said with voice trembling in silent fury, "You called me weak il cazzo."

She spat the word out as if it were venomous. Ai and Cameron knew well enough to take a step back however they still clutched her by the wrists, holding her off and preventing her from sending Kyle six feet underground.

Eminent shock registered across his face when he heard her words, taken aback perhaps even. All the discomfort in the room hung heavily amongst them until someone's heavy feet came thundering in the gym. "Miss Amethyst! Miss!" the man panted.

Immediately alert, Amethyst turned her back against the lot and faced the Xavier agent. "What is it agent?" she snapped but then quickly recollected herself as he showed a terrified face. "Calm down Gus," she said suddenly remembering the man's name. "Breathe. Now tell me what's the matter."

"Sir Giotto wished to see you in the interrogation room, miss."

Amethyst frowned. "Why, what's wrong?"

Gus eyes the crowd of people that was gathered behind Amethyst and dropped his voice so that only Amethyst could hear, Ai, Cameron and Kyle only managing to catch snippets of the conversation.

All too quickly, her lips upturned into a disturbing smile and ran off, jumping from the balcony and landing in a pile of swept leaves. Ignoring the mess she had caused, she made her way towards the forest that surrounded the house, choosing one particular clearing that, if anyone looked closely, had a silver string of rocks leading the way into deeper parts of the woods.

Not long afterwards, she arrived at a seemingly small shack, well away from the Xavier mansion and strategically hidden underneath thick leaves of the short trees around it.

Making her way inside, she then crouched down to pull a lever hidden underneath the musty red stained carpet which then revealed a short flight of stairs going deeper into the ground. Not bothering with it, she jumped down and landed with a soft thud, landing on white tiled floors and steel metallic walls.

"Sparrow my darling, I'm glad you made it!" Giotto exclaimed with an all too normal tone of happiness and a smile that did not reach his eyes. Then again, he always had this facade he out up whenever he sensed danger. The fact that he called her field name did nothing to settle that sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was off.

Then she saw him frown as he nudged his head to what was behind her. She did not need to turn around to know that the others had followed here as she could tell from the irregular amount of heavy breathing that was happening in the underground room.

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