Meet Pharya Brooks

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Chapter One___

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Chapter One

"Did you get your card?" Allen asks on the FaceTime call.

Pharya nods. "Yeah. Who the hell's idea was it to give me a fake twenty?" Matt Jackson peeks in with a snicker. "I'm going to kick your ass the next time I see you. I want you to know that."

Allen laughs.

"Oh comes on!" Matt jaw drops. "Nick put in on that. It wasn't all my creative genius."

"Lies, all lies." He appears. "Pharya you know I would never." A blank stare made Nick give in. "Okay I would, but this time I swear it wasn't me."


"You know your going to miss us." Matt smiles.

"Of course I am." Pharya tells them. "It's going to be weird not walking down to your hotel room and getting on your nerves. Jumping on Matt when he's asleep."

"Yeah," Nick sighs. "Drawing on his face too."


"What?" Matt double takes.

"Road trips won't be the same." Nick says.

"Yeah, because who is supposed to save us from Allen's stories?" Matt asks.

"Whoa, whoa, hey." Allen looks at them. "My stories has gotten all of you though your twenties and new adult life."

"Speak for Nick and Matt." Pharya scoffs.

"You hush." Allen points.

Pharya chuckles. "I am going to miss you guys though."

"Hey, your getting a big opportunity." Allen reminds her. "More money, new experiences, its what you worked for."

"That's right, our Bullet sister has grown on up." Matt nods. "Hey, did you talk to Devitt yet?"

"You mean Finn Balor?" Pharya smirks. "Yeah, I spoke to the Prince. He will be at my next show. I'm excited to see him and a lot of other faces. Rebecca,"

"Good lord, I feel sorry for everyone." Nick shakes his head. "You and Rebecca back together to cause hell, all your missing is Candice."

Pharya laughs. "She'll be here one day. However I get to see some of the guys, Kevin, Sami, Kofi, Randy, and God I could be on this phone forever."

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