A Suprsie You Can't See

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Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


'In the ring'

Video package of Battleground showed within the Undertaker standing tall at the end of Rollins vs Lesnar.

The camera goes back to the ring.

Seth Rollins theme hit throughout the arena.

"And that along with the assistance of Ellie, is why this man, Seth Rollins." Cole starts to say. "Is still WWE World Heavyweight Champion." The pause to his music fades in. "Because there is no doubt in my mind that Brock Lesnar was going to win the match after that F5."

Music fading back in—Seth walks out with Ellie right at his side to a loud mixed reaction.

A grin on his face as he welcomed the dislike of the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, accompanied to the ring by Ellie Brooks." Lillian begins. "Please welcome, WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Seth-Rollins!"

Seth slaps the title around his waist a few times.

"Yeah-look, first of all Michael," JBL begins. "Ellie had nothing to do with the Undertaker showing up."

"She admitted that she did, John."

"No, Ellie admitted to calling the Undertaker and discussing how important last night was to Brock Lesnar." JBL clarified. "Not once did Ellie say when to show up, The Undertaker actually agreed with her and picked his spot. You can't blame Ellie for that, because of her little nudge we now have a main attraction for Summer Slam!"

Seth moves back and motions a hand for to her to go first.

Ellie walks pass him, and jogs up the steps.

"Also let's take into consideration that besides Ellie, Seth went in there no Kane, no J&J security. No help whatsoever. He went mono-e-mono with the Beast. We don't know if Seth would have kicked out of that F5. There's a good chance he could have!"

"Well he was alone because Brock Lesnar took out J&J security, broken the leg of Kane." Cole reminds JBL.

Seth sat on the ropes.

Ellie looks over at him confused. "What's with you being so nice? It's creepy."

Seth smiles with an amused head tilt. "Get in the ring, Brooks."

Ellie rolls her eyes but gets inside of the ring.

"Seth brought it all upon himself." Cole mentions.

"Yeah, Seth was lucky to survive. That's what happened." Byron admits. "He had another help which is Ellie Brooks."

"An interesting team that is Ellie and Seth!" JBL appreciates. "They complement each other. I think they can be close."

Seth gets in through the middle rope, he walks up to her as she turned around. The crowd cheers watching the two in their stare down.

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