Chapter 86: Back to the Beginning

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Yuki stared out into the distance from the tree she was sitting in, the near-full moon shining down on her and lighting up her long caramel hair as it fluttered in the light breeze.

Once, she had sat in the same old tree in the fields, pondering her feelings for Sesshomaru, and the view had been of the picturesque forest for miles around while mountains rose up in the distance. The mountains were still there but patches of the forest were destroyed as a result of Naraku's falling miasma. Even the field she sat in was impacted, parts of the once lush land burnt down even though the miasma was long gone. But even so, the old tree had remained tall and strong - almost as though it had known she would need it.

Yuki closed her eyes and she could almost picture Inuyasha again on the tree branch beside her.

For two hundred years, the half demon had been the one she ran to; her rock. When things were tough, he'd been the only one she knew for certain she could count on. Even when she'd realized she was in love with Sesshomaru, even when she had resigned herself to the belief that he could never return those affections, Inuyasha had been there to support her. To be the shoulder she leant on, the ear she could talk to and the family she could rely on.

But now he was gone. And although they all hoped he would be back, they had no way of knowing how long it would be. And there was every chance he was gone forever. Yuki exhaled deeply and opened her eyes to stare into the distance once more.

She could feel it - the urge to flee from the heartache. The impulse to leave it all behind, like she had done fifty years ago. But things were different now; she was no longer alone without her brother.

As if on cue, the air shifted just a little around the tree. With a smile, Yuki leapt down to land easily beside the dog demon who waited for her.

"Hi." She murmured, looking up into gold eyes that never quite looked warm but would soften just for her. "Sorry, but I'm not ready to go yet."

"I determined it would be so." He answered without any change to his seemingly impassive expression.

But Yuki could see the concern in them as he searched her eyes, looking for any hints that another day without any sign of Inuyasha had brought back the tears his initial disappearance had.


Two days earlier

Inuyasha's disappearance left the group stunned in silence for a long moment. His friends were torn between shock, dismay and hope as they continued to stare at the empty air that was all that was left of the meido that had swallowed Inuyasha up. For a very brief minute, they all almost hoped the meido would open back up quickly and Inuyasha would return with Kagome.

Finally, Sesshomaru was the first to move although he only walked over to where Yuki stood. She had remained standing in the spot where she had seen Inuyasha for the last time but she glanced over at Sesshomaru when his hand landed on her shoulder. He didn't speak; he didn't have to. She knew what he was suggesting.

Silently, Yuki nodded and the pair started to move off, startling the others.

"You're leaving?" Miroku questioned, somewhat surprised Sesshomaru would try to lead Yuki away before Inuyasha was back. And that she would go along with it.

"Just for a short while." Yuki answered. "Rin, Kohaku, stay here with Lady Kaede. A-Un deserves a rest."

"Uh... okay."

The kids nodded while Jaken silently remained with them as well. He sensed Sesshomaru would snap at him if he tried to follow and so for once, the imp demon wisely kept his mouth shut as Yuki and Sesshomaru started off.

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