Journey (Endgame - 3)

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EARTH 199999


Anansi and Peter walked through the rocky path of the soul stone's summit, Anansi had given the Avengers of the native dimension a chance to bring the last Avenger back, she had sacrificed herself so the avengers could bring others back. When he had presented the opportunity the avengers quickly jumped on it.


EARTH 199999


" you could bring her back? " asked a hopeful Clint, Anansi looked at the man and he liked this one better than his version back home.

" yes, I can, as my interference has changed the entire future of yours," said Anansi.

" About the change in the timeline my lord. I haven't seen your interference in any of the timelines or why hasn't been there a new branch in the timeline?," asked Dr Strange politely.

" My interference was unexpected as I was enjoying my time spending with my kids and family then suddenly they used their powers accidentally and jumped into a portal so we had followed them here, just to find out you guys are getting attacked by the weaker version of Thanos. So the responsible heroes we are,  we helped you out an-- " informed Anansi.

" what do you mean by the weaker version of Thanos, we busted our ass out just to try and defeat one previously but he shrugged us away like flies. " interrupted Peter Quill as some of the heroes who had fought him previously nodded in support.

" guys you should see my version of Thanos. he's strong, insanely strong when I was a normal hero we had to bust our asses hard to just stop the mad Titan. The Prime version is 10 times stronger than this one. " replied Anansi as he looked at everyone's dumbfounded faces.

" as for no branch in the timeline, Sorcerer I'm fate and destiny itself my presence alone can change the sacrificial outcome you had previously," said Anansi to Dr strange.

" Hey wait up, what sacrificial outcome? " asked a perplexed Tony Stark.

" The probability in which we won was because you sacrificed yourself by using the infinity stones," informed Dr Strange.

Everyone was who led at the revelation, even more so after knowing Tony was the one who sacrificed himself to save the universe. Pepper held his hand in support as everyone looked at him with respect.

" I like this Stark better than ours. Our stark is jerk and asshole," said Anansi to scarlet which who punched him on his shoulder.

" no cursing there are kids here," said Scarlet as she held Ethan in her arms who was looking around in wonder.

" ouch - sorry! " said Anansi as he adjusted Elena in his arms.

Everyone smiled at their family dynamic, especially Wanda of the current universe. She has lost all her family and now vision too, but there is another version of her who got a family and the twins are cute too.

" ok, we are done talking for now let's bring Natasha back and return all the stones in their time," said Anansi as he handed Elena back to her mother.

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