Chapter 2

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"adding Lighting module, set power to seven, and fire, and it's done!" Gabriel enthusiastically cheered as he finished crafting his new weapon. A Psi Gun, a mixture between magic, science, and programming.

"I'll call it, Bolt Flare. Yes, now that's a cool name" He grinned to himself. Of course, he has other spells he made such as, Air Wall, Flash Fire, Earth Shaker, and Scald. Bolt Flare is a combination of Electric and Fire, that both has the ability to either stun or burn an opponent.

Air Wall, is his anti-projectile spell, which can also be used to knock back enemies. Flash Fire, is an instant flash of fire that blinds enemies and set fire to them. Earth Shaker is basically an Earthquake, and Scald is super heated water.

"Thank you pokemon for the inspiration" We will ignore that.

"Now let's test it" He got up and exited his house. He then faced a straw dummy he made from scratch and aimed his Casting Asistant Device at the dummy. A bar then appeared to the left side of his vision that measures his Psi energy.

With a pull of a trigger, almost all of his Psi energy was consumed and a crack of thunder can be heard for miles away. The straw dummy itself was charred and has small embers on the ground.

He felt himself get exhausted after realizing the spell he made costed almost all of his Psi energy. Which is bad news, because if once would go below the threshold, the Spell will instead take your vitality as Psi Energy, damaging oneself in the process.

"Ok, I might have to lower the power. But then again, I plan on using it to obliterate or cripple my enemy to the point where one will have third degree burns" Of course, this was his precautions to whatever dangers this world had to offer.

"But I will have to create a new spell for Element resistant creatures" He told himself as he wiped his brow and head on back to his house.

Storing his CAD within his inventory, he decided to continue figuring out why a Kunoichi has infiltrated his abode.

"So, a ninja woman. Hm, I have a few ideas but it's either just a normal Kunoichi, or something else. But why am I feeling like it's the latter?" He shivered at the thought.

He sighed, as he opened a lonely chest next to a bookshelf inside his Bedroom. Once he opened the chest, his eyes widened as he saw what was inside. He then pulled out two Sabers, which he jokingly named Kanshou and Bakuya.

"That's right... I have these mods as well!" He then excitedly went back out to test out his discovery.

He hastily created a straw dummy and held both weapons with both hands. With a grin, he dashed in. Weapons ready to strike at any moment. Once in range, he started with a left stab, followed up with a right diagonal slash, spun around to hit another diagonal slash with his left, and while spinning, he adjusted his right to a reverse grip and aimed for the neck.

He pulled out the blade, kicked off from the dummy and dashed right in again to stab both weapons to the stomach and ripping them out to the side, dealing maximum damage to the dummy. He then created distanced and jumped, spun mid air and slashed both blades through the chest of the dummy, cutting it in half.

"Hah... That was amazing! Spartan Weaponry and Epic Fight is like peanut butter and jelly!" He grinned to himself and out of instinct, he spun both blades on each hand like he has handled blades his entire life time and put them on his back with a cross pattern. And much to his surprise and realization, the Sabers have stayed in place behind him, complete with sheaths.

"This is so cool! With Epic Fight Mod, literally giving instant mastery over every weapon, Spartan Weaponry has to offer. Ah~ I feel like I'm in an anime!"

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