Chapter 28~Do You Really

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Brianna's POV

It was 2 pm when I had left Harry's house. Now I'm chilling at Santa's house. Could Harry possible like me? No he couldn't have he was in love with Destiny although they only dated for 2 weeks.

*Flash Back*

His eyes held a very serious look "you belong to me" my heart had stopped at his words. No what is he saying "what do you mean I belong to you?" I asked him too afraid of his reply. I looked into his eyes and the anger in his eyes become more intense. "Forget it" he said letting go of my wrist and headed to the kitchen. "Harry" I called out to him and he stopped walking but didn't turn around. "What do you mean by I belong to you just tell me" I said pleading with him to tell. "I said forget it Brianna" he said bitterly and continued to walk to the kitchen. It had truly hurt my feelings, I always hated fighting with people I cared about. "Alright Harold you want to be like that then I'll just leave because I'm not going to stand here and argue with you". He seemed to stop for a second "whatever" he mumbled. I didn't say a word back to him but got my stuff and left before he could say anything else to me.

*End of Flash Back*

"Hey Brianna, Brianna, yo snap out of it" I heard Santa's voice call out to me. "Oh did I zone out again?" I asked I felt as if I was empty on the inside. "Yeah you did, but listen I'm going to work, I'm not sure if you want to leave or stay while I'm gone" I didn't feel like driving home. "Can I stay a little longer?" I asked looking up at him "yeah but please don't forget to lock the doors when you leave alright?" He always ask me knowing I would forget to but then again he would text or call later to remind me.

"I won't forget"

"Alright great so I'm leaving have fun apartment sitting" he said leaving me alone. "I'll try not to" I said as if he could hear me. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I turned on the TV there was a program talking about a lot of stuff, I didn't care much for it. I flipped through the channels and nothing good was on. Can't this day get any better. All I wanted now was a long good nap.

I walked into Santa's room. I opened his draw and took out a shirt exchanging it for my own clothes. I would always spend the night here either when I was too drunk to go home or didn't feel like it and I'll end up borrowing his clothes. I collapsed onto his bed and started to think about a million different things. Until I thought about the topic that scared me the most, death. Thinking about it wasn't healthy for me. I would end up having an anxiety attack, or a panic attack. Neither better, changing the topic about it was hard. As I was trying, my phone was going off. Maybe answering my phone was something that would help me change the topic.

"Hello?" I hadn't even bother to look at the caller ID how smart am I.

"Brianna where are you?!?!" By the sound of the voice it was Nia. A part of me felt a little sad it wasn't Harry. "I'm at Santa's house, why?" Could there be a possible reason for her to call me at the time I'm here sulking. Probably she is psychic. "Well I called Harry..."she had paused for a moment "he told me you weren't there. Did you two get into a fight?" Nia seem concerned because she were both her best friend. "Call it something like that" I said hopping this topic about Harry and I will change soon.

"Oh well listen you should come home soon I have a surprise for you" I could hear the excitement in her voice. I couldn't help but be a little excited too.

"Please let the surprise be Andy Biersack"

"You'll find out when you get here" I was just way to curious and Nia refused to tell me anything. "Alright I'll be there soon" I said rolling off the bed, pulling on my jeans, and throwing my jacket over Santa's shirt not bothering to change it. I grabbed the rest of my things and left Santa's apartment, locking and double checking I locked his doors. I walked to my car waving to a couple of people that knew me who lived in this apartment complex.

The drive home wasn't long, but it wasn't short either. As I was pulling up to the house I realized there was a car that didn't belong there, and it wasn't Harry's. Who in the hell is it? I parked the car, and hurried inside to see who is was, and it was none other than Chelsea and Payton.

*Two weeks later*

The light was blinding early in the morning. I had the day off from school today and all I wanted to do was chill and eat food. I rolled out of my bed heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I was still half asleep, but I had to do something today because yesterday I spent the day sleeping in. After I was finished I put on some yoga shorts and a tank top. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, and grabbed my phone and headsets, heading out for a morning jog. I've been trying to do a lot of things to get Harry off my mind. I haven't talk to him since that day and I regret it. Now he is 'with some other girl' is what the tabloids say, but I've been too afraid to ask the others if it was true. I really didn't want to know the answer.

I quickly finished my jog and headed back home taking a long nice shower, and put my clothes in the bathroom because when I get in my room I just want to collapse on my bed and sleep. Everyone was sleeping as usual. I hurried to my room to do the same and to my surprise Harry was in my room sitting on my bed. "Hi" he said when he noticed I entered the room. Seeing him bought back too many memories.

"How did you get inside everyone sleeping and I didn't hear the doorbell ring?"

"Nia let me in when you were in the shower" he had a sad expression on his face.

"Oh" I didn't know what else to say. I haven't talk to him in what feels like in forever. I missed him so much. But I just didn't know what to say to him.

"Brianna I'm sorry" he said finally after a very awkward silence.


"For what I said I just..." he trailed off. His eyes had meet mine for a moment but he quickly averted them towards the wall.

"Just what Harry?" I wanted him to look at me. For a while he didn't say anything. I walked over to him and squatted in front of him turning his head gently so he was looking at me. "Just what?" I asked him again.

"I just don't want you talking to another guy expect me" he said looking me straight in the eyes, there was a hint of jealously in his eyes. But could he mean what I think he means. "Harry what are you trying to say?" I didn't want to jump to conclusions, to assume he felt the way I felt. I wanted him to say it. "I love you Brianna. I have always loved you" I felt a weight lift off my heart when he said that. My heart started to pound quickly in my chest, and I felt my face get hot. "But I thought you loved Destiny?" I asked him avoiding his glance. "I dated her because she was sweet and she really liked me. I liked her too, but my heart belonged and always will belong to you and only you" he said gently turning my head so I could look at him. "Harry" I called his name softly trying to process what he said. Could he really mean that?

"I love you Brianna" he said it again and I couldn't deny my feelings for him anymore. I couldn't hide my feelings from him anymore "I love you too Harry" I finally said with the biggest smile on my face. I finally told him how I really felt.


"Yeah, really idiot. I love you" he gently kissed my lips, and pulled me into a tight embrace. "But I love you more Kitten" he said gently against my lips. I've fallen for an idiot.


A/N: omg hit me in the feels but besides that can you guys please show me that you like story so far because I don't know what I'm doing is right so it will be amazing if you guys helped me out here. Oh and I wrote this one on my phone sowwie if there was errors I'll try to fix it when I get onto a computer.

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