Chapter 2

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Nia's POV

Julia, and me followed a very excited Brianna who seems to jumping up and down in the car. "What the hell is wrong with Brianna?" I asked rubbing the back of my head taking out my phone with the other.

"Cause you said we're going to Starbucks" Julia said a little disgusted cause she hates coffee, Brianna and me just normally she hates everything. Julia walked to the driver’s seat, and got in as I got into the passenger seat, while Brianna was still jumping up and down in the back seat.

"Finally what took you guys so long” Brianna said very antsy.

*Driving to Starbucks*

I turn to see that Brianna was falling asleep as usually, but I can't have that not today always falling asleep in the damn car. I turned to Julia "Julia turn up the radio" I asked her. Julia did just that, and Midnight Memories started to play. I turn around to see Brianna a little more awake. She started to sing along, and Julia and I join in. When the song was over we pulled up to Starbucks. Brianna and I got out, and to our surprise Julia did too. Normally she would stay in the car as we get our coffee, and get her a green tea. She hates the smell of coffee.

"Julia you’re coming for once" Brianna said surprised putting her hand to her chest in shock.

"Yeah might as well see the inside of Starbucks since we are always coming here." She said following behind us locking the car. We entered into Starbucks, ordered our normally coffee. I turn around to see Julia talking to a guy in grey suit.

Julia's POV

Somebody had tapped on my shoulder, and I turned around to see a cute guy wearing a suit.

"Hi, I like your band t-shirt. Falling In Reverse is a great band" he said with a smile.

"Thanks have you seen them live?" I asked.

"Hell yeah, they are even better live" I said with his smile getting even bigger if possible.

"Oh that's awesome, hi my Julia by the way."

"Hi I'm Matthew" he said holding out his hand to shake, and I stretched my hand out to shake his hand back.

"Brianna" they called out for I order. I turned around to see Nia and Brianna holding up the drinks signaling me to come on.

"Sorry I got to go, but can we hang out later with my friends" I said pointing in their direction.

"Sorry I have a party to go to for work... But you can come with your friends of course."

"Of course just let me get your number, and you can text me the details later." I said smiling pulling my phone out to get his phone.

"Sure" he said handing me his phone, and took mine.

"Thanks" I said handing my phone back as I left.

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