Chapter 25~Did We??

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Julia's POV

Currently I'm wondering what to wear for my date with Zayn. I have no clue where he is taking me and he won't tell or even give me a hint. I decided to play it safe, and wear a dress and some boots. I grabbed my black and red cross dress. I grabbed my towel and went to go take a quick shower. I was all over the place at this moment. I was nervous for my date with Zayn. I pulled on my dress, and did my makeup nothing too bold, but nothing too dull. Fixing my hair in a bun, I searched for a necklace to wear, but nothing really went with it. I rushed to Brianna's to stumbling a little. I grabbed a necklace out of her jewelry box that had matched my outfit. I ran back to my room catching Nia in the corner of my eye, but she didn't notice me. She had been staring at her phone; the look on her face was surprised and shocked. I wanted to stop and ask her what was wrong, but I was short on time.

I slipped on my black knee high socks, and my black Doctor Marten's. Grabbing my phone and my black leather jacket, I raced out my room passing Nia again it looked as if she was stuck or frozen there. I check the time 7:50 and Zayn said he would pick me up at 8. I walked over to Nia tapping her shoulder. "Hey what's up?" I asked leaning against the ramp. She looked at me blankly "earth to Nia what is wrong with you?" I was waving my hand in front of her face. She mumbled something but I didn't know exactly what it was. I had checked the time again it was 8:01 crap. "Listen let's talk about this later okay?" She didn't respond, her hand had been shaking, but I didn't have time to ask what was wrong. I'll just have to text Brianna and asked to find out.

Nia's POV

I couldn't function properly. I couldn't even speak when Julia was talking to me. I just couldn't. I had received a text from Chelsea a longtime friend from High School. She had been friends with Julia, Brianna, and me. At the time in High School she was dating our other friend Peyton. What had taken me by surprise was that they were getting married soon, and not only that, but I knew my ex-girlfriend liked Peyton more than friends. I had heard they were hanging out more often these days I didn't think much of it, until Peyton told me they had sex more than once, and she was going to tell Chelsea. Now poor Chelsea is getting married to her and Peyton didn't even tell her about the affair. I want to tell Chelsea, but I also don't want to be the one to tell her either. It will break her heart, onto of that my brother is getting married to the biggest whore I have ever meet. I'm happy for him but it's the fact that this girl has slept with more than 20 guys and girls, and she cheats a lot. I don't know what to do at this point. I walked to my room and collapsed on my bed thinking about everything. Falling asleep with so many worries it even haunted me in my dreams.

Brianna's POV

I woke up with a serious hangover, feeling as if I was going to die. I tried to get up to go get a glass of water, but something or someone was holding me down. I looked down at my stomach and it was an arm damped over my body. The arm was full of crazy tattoos that didn't go with each other and random little ones. My eyes followed the arm to see who it belonged to. A mop on curls falling over a pillow, the only person I knew with curls was Harry but how in the hell did he reach in my bed. That's when realization hit me, this wasn't my room, or my bed, nor was this my shirt. Did I have sex with Harry last night? But I couldn't have right? I tried sliding out of the bed but he pulled me in closer. I tried wiggling out of his tight embrace, but I just got pulled back in all I wanted was a glass of water and answers.

"Where are you going" a sexy raspy voice said. I turned around and saw a gorgeous set of green eyes looking down at me. "To get a glass of water" I had to find the right moment to ask him if we had sex or not, but to ask such a question is always a good time right? "Let me get it for you" he said getting out of the bed. Damn did he look sexy in every different way possible? I started to imagine having sex when I was snapped out of when he was sitting back on the bed with his hand on forehead.

"Are you ok you face is all red?" I averted my eyes from his. "No I'm fine" he looked worried but I just felt horny. I got out of the bed and headed towards the door "hey where are you going?" "To get another glass of water" I said hopping he won't protest, right now I just need a little space because I couldn't act my emotions. Destiny and he just broke up literally yesterday, I don't want to be a rebound. I walked into the kitchen with my glass, pouring some water into. I leaned against the counter drinking my water thinking what I could possibly do to not think about having sex with Harry. Cooking was the only one that I was willing to do. Placing the glass on the counter, I looked to see I could cook. I found pancake mix, egg, cheese, bread, sausage, bacon, banana, and frozen waffle.

I was half way through cooking when Harry popped into the kitchen. "I was wondering what happened to you" he said getting closer "oh I thought I will make us breakfast" I said not looking at him. "Looks good hope it taste good" he said taking a piece of bacon. "Very funny Styles" I said sharing out the food, and pouring two glasses of orange. "Sit" I placed the plates on the table with the glasses. We sat down and started eating.

"Did you know you will make a good housewife?"

"I've been told, and can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Um did we have sex?"

"Yeah and it was rough"

"Are you serious?"

"No, but the expression on you face was quite enjoyable, but I won't take advantage of a drunk girl" he said laughing.

"Other than that did I say anything weird?"


"Are you sure?"


"Well what?"

"You're a happy drunk"

"Idiot you scared me" I said sighing.

Nia's POV

Nothing I have come up with nothing to resolve the situation. Not a damn thing, I walked into the kitchen, and cooked a feast for myself, to help myself think. What to do what to do. I plugged in my phone, and started playing Of Mice & Men.

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