Chapter 31~Triple Date Time Part 1

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Julia's POV

Niall just came in my room and woke me up. "Jell-O wake up we are going on a triple date!" He said with a lot of excitement.

"Are you calling me Jell-O now why?" The new nickname was a bit weird why did it have to be a food?

"Because Jell-O" he said like it was the most natural thing in the world to call somebody Jell-O.

"You sound like Brianna" I tried not to laugh. He gave me a side ways look and then laughed.

"Guess she is rubbing off on me."

"I would think so." I finally let out the laugh I was holding in. "Well I guess I got to get ready for our triple date, see you down stairs." He nodded and left. I searched for my phone and found it hiding under my bed sheets. I picked it up and called Zayn. On the first ring he had answered. "Hey babe!"

"Hey hun...can you come over?" I asked toying with my hair.

"Yeah love what for?" He asked a bit concerned.

"We are going on a triple date. I don't know where to. I guess Niall and everyone else didn't decide that yet."

"Yeah I'll be there soon love you babe."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone and went to my closet to pick my clothes out. I choice a pair of black jeans, a green shirt that had a pocket with writing on it that said 'love hugs', black Vans and a leather jacket. I got into the shower and got ready.

Brianna's POV

Harry had just left for his place to get ready for our triple date. I walked into my closet and pulled out a shirt I took from Harry a long time ago and his beanie. I paired them with my light blue ripped jeans, black converse and black shoulder bag.

Nia's POV

Niall was in the bathroom getting ready. He basically lived here by now. He already had my closet full of his clothes and his shoes were everywhere. I was excited to go on the triple date and I wanted to hurry and get ready, but Niall decided to take 10 years in the bathroom and all the other bathrooms in the house had someone in them. I opened the bathroom door and walked in. Niall popped his head out of the shower curtains. "What are you doing?" He smiled.

"I'm taking a shower. Why does it look like." I started to take off my clothes. Niall just watched as I undressed. "Just letting you know before I step in the shower.. No funny business mister." He laughed.

"Can't make any promises." He smirked as I stepped in.
Everyone was finally dressed and in the living room. "So now that everyone's here. It's time to decide where we are going to go. Harry and I were thinking we could go six flags." Brianna said. While everyone else agreed.

"Well that was easy!" Harry exclaimed. We all piled into the car and drove off. We arrived at six flags. We had to go through another entrance because the boys would be recognized. I forgot sometimes that they were a famous boy band.

Julia's POV

We met with a security guard and he was giving us a run through of what we needed to know and we should keep a low profile, and don't attract to much attention to yourselves. He then gave us wrist bands and sent us on our merry way.

Zayn's P.O.V

We walked into the park and Julia started bouncing with excitement. We have to go on every single ride!" She screeched. We all laughed and chose the first ride to get on. Everyone decided on going on the apocalypse first. We got to cut the line so we got on pretty quick. Everyone paired up and got strapped in. I could tell how nervous everyone was except for Nia and Niall. The ride took off and all you heard was screaming. After a couple more rides the boys and I were all tired out but the girls wanted to keep going. So they gave us their stuff and kept going. As we waited for the girls to get off their last ride before the Ferris wheel Julia's phone went off with a text message.

'Why aren't you answering my phone calls? I miss you so much Jules. Did I do something wrong? I can make it up to you ;)'

Who the fuck is Joe, and why is he texting MY girl being all flirty? Julia will never hear the end of this from me.

Niall's P.O.V

Zayn's phone went off with a text message. He read it and looked pissed, threw Julia's stuff down on the bench and stormed off. I wanted to go after him but I knew better than to get in his way when he's mad. The girls came back laughing and ready to go. "Where's Zayn?" Julia asked.

"I don't know he got a text message and got mad and walked away." I pointed to his phone sitting on top of Julia's bag.

"This isn't Zayn's phone it's mine." She looked puzzled. She read the text message too and looked worried. "I have to find Zayn." She said running off as the we all followed. We couldn't find him anywhere and we were searching forever. "Can someone call him? He won't answer me..." Julia looked so upset.

"I'll call him." It rang for awhile before he answered. I put it on speaker.


"Where are you mate? You have us all worried. Especially Julia."

"Yeah right. Tell Julia to go worry about Joe." He said hanging up the phone.

"Who's Joe?" I questioned.

"Joe Jonas. He's my ex boyfriend. He's been calling, texting, and randomly popping up for months now, but I never did anything with him. I wouldn't do that to Zayn."

"Well talk to Zayn when we find him. Tell him the truth. I have been telling you to do this from beginning. I knew this was going to happen." Brianna scolded Julia. We kept searching for Zayn and found him sitting on one the benches by the concession stand. We decided to let Julia just talk to him, and meet up in front of the Ferris wheel when they were done.

Julia's P.O.V

"Hey Zayn." He just turned away from me. "Come on Zayn please don't ignore me. Let me at least explain." I pleaded.

"Explain what? That you've been texting some dude behind my back. I don't wanna hear it Julia. I thought you actually cared and loved me but I guess I was wrong." Zayn got up and began to walk away.

"Zayn wait!" I screamed running after him. I grabbed his shoulder to make him face me.

"That's not what is going on. Yes I've been texting Joe but I haven't been cheating on you. Joe is my ex, I broke up with him and he keeps trying to get back with me, I've been trying to avoid him lately but he won't stop texting me. Yeah I probably should've told him I have a boyfriend but I figured if I just ignored him he'd leave me alone. I haven't been cheating I swear. You can ask Brianna. Anytime Joe comes around I ask her to get rid of him. I've been ignoring him for weeks now. You're the only one I want Zayn and I've been 100% faithful. You have every right to be mad and if you need time to think then I understand but just know I would never hurt you. I love you too much." I embraced him in a hug. Tears fell from my eyes as I realised this could be the last time I would ever be held in his warm embrace. He pushed me away and looked me in eyes.

"Do you swear you weren't talking to him?"

"I swear." He nodded and kissed me.

"Next time just tell me when something like this is going on, and you have to let ME straighten things out with this Joe guy. So that way I know for sure he'll leave you alone." I laughed and shook my head. I took his hand and headed towards the Ferris wheel.

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