Chapter 14

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Brianna's POV

"Sup" I said walking to the he was sitting at.

"Hey" said looking from his phone.

"So we can have a little dance party, and chill until we are ready for bed, or eat or just go straight to bed, but to me having a little party sounds awesome." I said sitting on the couch next to him.

"I agree" he said smiling at me putting his phone away.

"Yay" I said jumping off the couch. " You want anything to drink, alcohol, juice, water, tea, decaf coffee or regular?" I asked walking to the kitchen, and taking out a Smirnoff Ice from the fridge.

"Yeah can a beer please" he asked walking into the kitchen leaning against the island. "One beer coming up" I said taking a beer we had in the fridge handing it to him. "Cheers" I said holding up my bottle.

"Cheers" he repeated smiling and copying what I had did. I turned on the music and put on Bruk It Down by Mr.Vegas.

"Do you think I can twerk?" Harry asked me giving a look.

"Maybe, I don't know" I said giggling taking another sip of my drink.

"Well I can" he said taking a sip of his beer.

"Can I see" I said giving him a daring look.

"Ok, but don't get too turned on" he said jokingly, putting his drink down.

"I'll try my best not to" I said trying my best to not laugh. He started twerking, and I tried my best to hold in my laugh.

"Are you laughing?" He stopped twerking, and asked me.

"What, me laughing no" I said trying really hard not to laugh.

"Yes you are" he said coming closer.

"No I'm not" I said walking backwards, putting my drink down.

"Yes you are" he said coming closer, as I ran away, and he chased after me. I was laughing a lot as I was trying to get away from Harry, until he caught he, and picked me up in his arms spinning us around.

"Fine you caught me" I said giggling.

"So you were laughing at me" he stop spinning, and looking me in my eyes.

"Yeah" I said nodding my head a light trying to hold in a laugh.

"So let me ask you who's shirt is this?" He asked referring to the guys flannel I was wearing.

"Mine" I simply said looking into his gorgeous green eyes.

"Not your boyfriends'?" he asked looking a little confused.

"Nope, and for it to be my boyfriends' I must have one first" I said, and he looked relieved.

"So do you want to finished our little party, and go to bed?" He asked putting my down finally.

"Sure" I said smiling walking into the kitchen, and finish my drink.

"Brianna guess what I have" he said holding his hand behind his back as he walked into the kitchen.

"What?" I asked looking confused at him.

"Your candy" he said removing it from his back, and holding my candy out.

"I forgot you had it" I said walking over to him to take my candy, but since he is taller than me he held it high enough for me not to reach it.

"Come on Harry" I whined.

"Magic word" he said smiling.

"Can I have my candy please Harry" I said giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Sure" he said smiling handing me my candy. As I took it he picked me put and threw me off his shoulder.

"Harry" I whined again.

"Bed time now where is your room?" He asked.

"But I don't want to go to bed yet" I whined hitting his back.

"You're funny, now where is your room" he asked gripping tighter onto me.

"Down the hall to the right" I said. He walked to my room, and placed me on the bed. He then walked towards the door.

"Hey Harry can you stay with me until I go to sleep?" I asked stopping him.

"Sure" he said smiling and walking towards my bed, and laying down next to me.

"Is that what your going to sleep in?" I asked looking at his clothes.

"No I was going to sleep in my boxer, but I normally sleep naked" he said winking.

"Hey cowboy hold your horses we haven't even made it to first base" I said opening my candy.

"Not yet" he said winking, and I just giggle, and playfully hit him.

Nia's POV

So Niall just threw a marshmallow the shirt he lend me, and I think it was on purpose.

"Niall" I said throwing a marshmallow at him.

"What" he said moving closer to me. Our lips brushing against each other. I moved closer, and kissed him playing with his hair as I laid down in the couch as we kissed feeling like it will never stop. That the world just stopped for us.

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