Chapter 12

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Brianna's POV

Right now I'm super pissed at Harry for taking my candy. Julia and Zayn are all cuddles, and love, and so is Nia and Niall. While stupid Harry has my candy. I took the pillow that was behind me on the couch, and playfully hit Harry.

"Stupid give me back my candy" I said getting ready to hit him again.

"No" he said hiding the candy behind his back, maybe it's me, but nobody seems to be playing us any attention which is good cause I'm about to beat him to a pulp. I was about to hit him again when he caught pillow, and took it away from me. I pushed him down, and hovered over him.

"I want my candy" I said staring him in the eyes.

"No" he said pulling my wrist causing me to loss balance, and fall onto of him.

"I think I'll like to watch the movie like this" he said smiling at me, but I just rolled my eyes, normally I'll be blushing like hell, but he stole my candy.

"I rather not" I said getting off of him.

"So what movie are we watching?" Julia asked.

"Oculus" Niall said putting in the movie.

"Is it scary?" I asked getting ready to hide behind the pillow Harry had took from me. Don't get me wrong I love horror movies, but then I get too scarier to sleep by myself.

"Yes" Louis said answering my question.

"Nia, Julia I might have to sleep with one of you tonight" I said getting a little closer to Harry.

"Haha okay" Nia said. Niall started the movie, gave us all a slice of pizza everything was fine at first eating pizza relaxing, still being mad at Harry, but then the scary part of the movie started, I don't know when or how I started to cling to Harry's arm for comfort I could I swear I was hugging the pillow a minute ago.

"It's okay love I'll protect you" he said pulling his arm this I was clinging to around me, making my head press against chest. I started to feel a little safer in his arms.

"Thanks Curley" I said not looking at him to avoid eye content cause if I did look at him I have melted into his beautiful green eys, and I may have been reder than a tomate if I looked.

Julia's POV

I finished my pizza just chilling, cuddling next to Zayn, I still had yet to tell him about the name the girls made for us, but I still had yet to know when we were ditching. The movie started to get creepy, and scary knowing all of us girls especially Brianna we were terrified. Zayn had noticed, and pulled me impossibly closer to him to make me feel safer, which in fact work.

"When do you want you want to ditch babe?" Zayn whispered into my ear, which was so hot, but sexy too I can't deal with this boy sometimes always causing my feelings to be all over the place.

"If we ditch half way through can I finish the movie at your house?" I was asking for too much for my body to handle, but sometimes you got to suck it up.

"Yeah we can do that if that's what you want to do" he said kissing my cheek which turn red right after.

"Okay" I simple replied. We got back to watching the movie, now I was impatient to leave.

Nia's POV

The movie is scarier like Louis had said. The guys seem to be fine with the movie, but knowing us we are terrified as fuck. I definitely know Brianna is going to be so paranoid tonight, and probably for the rest of the week. Throughtout the movie Niall kept talking about food, and how we should have watched a sports movie. I know he somewhat didn't mean some of the things he said, but still he distracted me from the really frightening scenes. He really is sweet because of that, and I may like him a lot, damn why are you so perfect.

Brianna's POV

We are half way through the movie, and I notice Julia and Zayn leaving, cute that they thought it was fine to ditch during the movie, but I'm fine I'm not going to interrogate her when I see, or text.

Nia's POV

So Julia just left with Zayn, they must have planned to ditch already. It's cute how they want some alone time.

Brianna's POV

So we just finished the movie Louis, and Liam just left, and I think I maybe be clinging to Harry more than before, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Hey Brianna, I going to stay with Niall tonight" Nia said sitting next to me on the couch. 'This bitch is really ditching me.'

"Thanks for screwing me over, who is going to sleep with me tonight?" I asked almost about to kill her.

"I will" I felt a pair of arms move to my waist, of course it was Harry.

"So what do you think about sleeping with me tonight me?" He asked nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. 'Ugh why does he have to be so god damn sexy.'

"What about you?" I asked playfully.

"Come on bri I won't be back tonight, and I can tell that you will have all the lights on in the house" Nia said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Fine okay" I said giving into my BFF, and this sexy guy. 'Oh god I might die tonight because of Harry, oh my gosh he is too sexy for me to control my feelings oh dear god help me tonight.' I felt Harry grinning, and Harry got up

Best Friends Twist of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora