Chapter 21~Upset??

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Nia's POV

After everybody seem ready I got up walking towards the book shelf by the TV. "What movie?" I asked going through the movies we had.

"Do you have any horror movies?" Niall asked. "Yeah" I said turning around and there was Niall standing before me.

Brianna's POV

Bury me in a hole already. I just want to go back to my room and pretend the world doesn't matter. That my feelings doesn't matter, I just want to be alone. Why didn't I tell Zayn I didn't want to watch a movie.

Julia's POV

The movie just started it was some random horror movie we had. I was already scared and in Zayn's chest looking for comfort. He doesn't seem to be mad at me so that's a good sign. Now I really don't want to tell him about Joe.

Brianna's POV

Who in the hell said it was okay to watch a horror movie certainly not me. These jumpy scenes are scaring me so badly, and I was looking some form of comfortable from behind a cushion. Liam seems to notice and like the big brother figure he is, he decides to comfort me.

Harry's POV

Maybe it's me but Brianna has been avoiding me, and every time we make eye contact she immediately turns her head. What could I have possibly done.

Brianna's POV

The movie is finally over, and I don't waste time going back to my room. As I reach I heard everybody saying their goodbyes and leaving. I fall face down into my bed, laying there for sometime until I decided to go under the covers a just sleep. When I get a text.

From: Hazza

Hey are you mad at me?

To: Hazza

No Harold

I put my phone down hopping that answer his question and he could leave me alone.

From: Hazza

You never called me Harold before

To: Hazza

There is a first for everything. Night Harold

From: Hazza

Well if you're not mad I guess good night

I put my phone down and went to sleep.

Harry's POV

She is completely mad at me, and she isn't going to say it. I wonder why? I don't even know what I did to make her mad. I'll just have go over her house tomorrow and ask her in person so she can't lie to me. I laid down and looked at the ceiling when I got a text message it was from Destiny.

From: Destiny

Hey don't forgot our date

To: Destiny

I won't see you soon

I decided to look back at old text messages from Brianna.

To: Bri

Hey where are you guys?

From: Bri

We stopped for candy

To: Bri

Let me guess for you

From: Bri

Lol how did you know

To: Bri

You told me last night that the candy was almost finished and you wanted to cry

From: Bri

No I didn't I have no clue what you're talking about

To: Bri

Brianna I even called you and you were sad that the candy was almost finished

From: Bri

What you called last night?????

To: Bri


From: Bri

Lol I'm kidding I'll see you later I have to drive

To: Bri

You can drive omg I didn't know

From: Bri

Haha very funny

To: Bri

Lol I'll see you when you get here

I remember this conversation I was laughing a lot because of this one girl. She is someone special to me, and I don't want to ever lose her no matter what, even if she is mad at me or I'm mad at her I never want to forget about her.

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