☁️🐲Malleus Draconia🐲☁️

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💚From the Diasomnia dorm...💚
🐲Malleus Draconia🐲
💚Awkward confession💚

Malleus Draconia, one of the most feared faes. Very strong and powerful magic, makes one want to cry of how weak they are compared to him.

How ironic, he never wanted it that way. The fear of others built up in him, and was slowly dragging itself toward his heart.

It hurt.

It stung and it was cold.

He didn't want to be alone.

Why couldn't he be normal?

One friend, that's all he was asking for.

Unless a specific person came, there's nothing that could help him...

"Hm? Who are you?" He questioned the human in front of him.

The human jumped in shock and turned around.

"Ah, sorry! You scared me y'know..." They said, and Malleus nodded.

"That is understandable, you didn't know i was here. Sorry for scaring you."

"No, it's quite alright! My name's Y/n, nice to meet you! What's your name?"

"I'd rather not answer that."

"That's okay, so tell me, what were you doing out so late? You should be asleep." Y/n questioned.

"I could ask you the same thing. I take night walks around this abandoned dorm, but it seems like it's not abandoned anymore..." He answered.

"That's great! We can meet more right? We can get to know each other, and stuff, you know what I mean? I know we're going to be the best of friends Tsunotaro!"

'Tsunotaro? Friends? What are they saying? Do they not know who I am?'

Even though he didn't tell this human his name, he was sure everyone knew who Malleus Draconia was, and knew to fear him.

"S-seems like my time run out. I have to go. Have a good night." And with that, Malleus was gone.

He arrived in his room and layed on the bed.

'Why would that child of man want to be friends with me? That's just stupid, how are you not scared?' he thought to himself, before going to sleep.

You and Malleus grew very close to each other, doing almost everything together.

You were practically inseparable.

"Valentine's around the corner..." You mumbled on your way to your next period, history.

You sucked at it, you knew that better than anyone else.

You had to remember so many names, years and dates, it makes my head hurt...

(you made it out in one piece though)

"Hey, Malleus? Is there anyone you like?"

"Now where did that come from? But yes, there is."

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