🔪🦐🍄The Tweels🍄🦐🔪

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🖤From the Octavinelle dorm...🖤
🦐🍄Yandere! Tweels🍄🦐
🖤Aquarium, P.2🖤

Jade and Floyd became... Distant, to say the least. They did talk to you, but they wouldn't say anything about what they were doing when you were at work.

They'd just smile, and change the topic, about how your day was at work, if anyone had talked to you, they were especially interested if it was a male, asking how they looked, their name...

It was really weird, because they weren't like this before.

You just shrugged it off as their 'older brother' senses, and being overprotective.

Boy were you wrong.

"That asshole again?! I'll get him fired right away, just you wait!" Your boss, Arey, stated.

There was one guy at the aquarium you worked at that just decided it was a great idea to annoy and flirt with you.

It made you annoyed, you didn't want to have anything between you and this guy.

You came home that day, and plopped on the couch. Jade came in with a white hoodie and black jeans.

"Welcome home. Is anything the matter?" He asked, and sat next to you.

"Ah! Shrimpy! I missed you!!" Floyd interrupted, and jumped beside you and hugged you close.

You hugged back, unresponsive.

"Darling? Is something wrong?" Jade asked again, and leaned down to your height level since you were laying down.

"No... There's just this guy that's been bothering me, is all." You talked into Floyd's sweater.

You didn't know, but Jade and Floyd looked at each other, glaring and cursing at whoever this guy was.

"Did he say something bad to you? What's his name?" Jade spoke, breaking the silence.

"He's been asking if I'm dating someone, and overall randomly pinning me to the wall, asking me out... His name's Vechi, he was a classmate back in primary school." You explained and looked up from Floyd's sweater, and looked at the kitchen table.

"I see... Tell us if he crosses the line okay?" Jade asked and walked behind the couch, so you could make eye contact with him.

"Okay, thank you guys."

"Jade? Floyd? Where are you...?" You asked, searching for the said duo.

"Ah, welcome home. We're in the kitchen!" Jade replied.

You ran in the kitchen sobbing and shaking, you were scared.

"Y/n?!" Floyd called you by your name. You knew he was genuinely worried about you, and he and Jade rushed to your side.

You explained everything. You explained how you were scared. He told you he was gonna kill you if you don't go out with him, he even threatened to kill himself afterwards.

They are going to kill him, for what he'd done to you.

He didn't deserve to talk to your beautiful face in the first place.

So what's the point of him living anyway?

They'll help him on his way to hell where he belongs.

In hell.

Now they're back at the aquarium, looking over their past terrarium from the pond where they met their darling, you.

"No need to scream, nobody can hear you." Jade's supposedly 'calm' voice spoke, as the man in front of him, tied up, with a gag attached to his face, was trying to alarm anyone near by that he was in danger.

Floyd stood next to his brother, preparing to hit the man. Jade had to do everything in his power to prevent Floyd from killing him just yet, he wanted him to suffer a cruel death.

"You may attack now." Jade took a few steps back, letting his brother finish the job.

With one swift kick, which landed perfectly across his face, three teeth fell out.

Then two, then another three, then one, and that went on until you couldn't recognize the man.

Jade walked back to his original stance, and grabbed chains that he had taken with them.

He tied the chains around the man's wrists, and the other side around a weight.

It read 500 kilograms.

"Good night..."

A few days later, a corpse was found deep in a terrarium, hands tied to a weight with chains, upside down, floating in the tank.

"Huh, that's weird. That was Floyd's and Jade's terrarium before i met them... How odd..."

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